Progress Reports

How to Read Progress Reports
Reporting is the process of communicating comprehensive information about student achievement, appropriate behaviours, progress and growth at a given point in time.
This Progress Report includes six assessment items designed to provide you with a snapshot of your child’s progress in terms of appropriate class behaviours and two items that focus specifically on learning, with one measuring your child’s achievement and the other their learning growth.
Term 1 - Student Progress Report: Table of Performance Indicators 2021
Teachers have undertaken a process involving comparing and discussing student work that results in a fair judgement on your child's work during the period of Monday 2nd February to Friday 19th March.
Please find below an example of a progress report.
Example of Progress Report
Please take this opportunity to discuss with your child their progress this term.
If you have any further questions please do not hesitate to contact your child's teacher via Compass.
Glen Cowan & Sara Mamone