Sport News

As Summer sports finish we are about to move seasons for sports in our community and Winter programs begin. It is really important that all students play and try as many sports as they can. I am a firm believer that the sport or activity finds the child, not the child finds a sport. Everyone will have different interests and skills that they naturally take an interest in, its just a matter of finding it to develop a lifelong focus on being active. 


All sports have different entry programs such as Auskick for AFL, Netsetgo for Netball, Aussie Hoops for basketball, Hook into Hockey, Miniroos for soccer, swimming lessons are starting again, tennis lessons are available so there are lots of different sports for kids to try.


As skills and interests develop there are under age competitions to begin playing matches and it's great to hear each week how they have gone on the weekend in their sport.

I have been noticing anecdotally at both the schools I teach and talking with colleagues in PE, the impact time away from sport has had on students, physical fitness, motors skills and also game awareness. While some there has been no noticeable change, but for others, time away from organised sport has been a time away from skills and game development.


I cannot stress enough the value in playing organised sport not only from a skills and fitness perspective but the added value of being part of a team and developing cooperation and teamwork

Here are some of the links to sporting sites for entry level programs and if you need help finding a club or team let me know.


Please also remember that we have a weekly running club each Friday morning at Myrtle park from 7.50am




Richard Price