What's Happening at CHPS 

Sports News

House Cross Country

The Middle and Senor House Cross Country competition is being run on Friday April 30th, commencing at 9.15am.  All children in Years 3 – 6 are expected to run the course, as this is about earning house points and supporting the House they are in.  I have spoken with all the students, especially those that are a bit anxious about running the distances and we have agreed that they will try their best, and make sure they can finish the course without pressure of racing.  There will be a certain number of students who are interested in competing in the next level at District Cross Country later in May, so these students will be the ones who are racing and running as fast as they can.  Student are encouraged to wear their House colours. 

Thank you very much to all the parents who have volunteered to spend 2 hours standing in one spot to supervise the children.  This is really important as it is all about their safety.  We cannot run these events without the support of parents, so again much appreciated, especially to those that don’t even have student in the Middle or Senor school. Could all parents please make sure that the permission on Compass has been made so that all students can run on the day. 

I will be emailing all those parents who have let me know they are able to assist and I will give you all the information you require with regards to time, position etc. 

Interschool Sport

Term 2 Interschool Sport commences on May 7th. Thank you to the parents who have volunteered again to assist with the different sports. We still have a few of the sports which are still unattended, therefore we urgently need parents to be able to help us out with these sports as we have 18 interschool sport teams again. These teams will not be able to play their games if there is no adult supervision. The games start at 1.30 this term as it is in the afternoon and finish at 2.30. For those parents who are required to go on the buses, they will be back by 3.00pm at the latest. 

Teams needing supervision are: 

Girls Tennis Red Team

Girls Softball Blue Team

Girls Softball Red Team

Girls Netball Blue Team Netball Beginners Red Team

If there are parents who know that their child is in either of these teams and you can spare the hour on a Friday afternoon, we would really appreciate it. If there is a parent who does not have a child in the Senior school playing sport but is interested in helping us out anyway, that would be awesome!!  Please let us now ASAP as we start our competition in two weeks. 

Noreen McMenaman  -  PE/Sport

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