Tutoring Available

During term 1, we ran tutor groups after school for extra tuition in Maths and English. We also had support from Maths tutors in some Maths classes during the school day. 


During term 2, we will continue to offer the extra tuition after school in Maths on Mondays and Tuesdays and in English on Tuesdays and Thursdays. Tutor support in Maths classes will still be offered during term 2 but in a reduced capacity due to changed staffing circumstances.


Individual tutoring will be offered to students after school on an opt-in basis and students will be required to commit to attendance at three to four sessions after school. There will be 3 to 4 sessions held in May and another 3 to 4 sessions held in June for a different group of students. All after-school sessions will be held from 3:45 to 4:45pm at school. For equity reasons, it is important that your child arrives for the tutor group as, failing to do so, deprives another student the chance to be part of the tutor group. Families will be contacted by the school once students in the sessions have been allocated and finalised. 


The allocation of students to these tutor groups is dependent on student demand and availability of tutors. We will also use various data input, as well as teacher advice, in the allocation of students to the tutor groups.



• VCE English Units 1- 4: workshop sessions after school which will complement VCE English lessons that students undertake in class.

• English Years 7 – 10 



• Maths classes: a tutor will be assigned on a needs’ basis to some Maths classes to tutor some students during their timetabled Maths classes. 

• Maths Years 7 – 12


Please complete an online form using the following link by Thursday, 1st April, to indicate whether you wish your child to be involved in the tutor groups: https://forms.office.com/Pages/ResponsePage.aspx?id=zFiu6TorLk6Ax8nE_LhQtvxB8w2NrMFAiK1dyjZJzYRUMkJXVkY3QUtVSFY1S1NJSDNCRjFRSkVUTS4u


Thank you for your support as we continue to work together to provide quality education for your children. 


Paul Clohesy
