
Y8 Remote Learning - Term 4

Cartesian Plan and Graphing

To begin Term 4, Year 8 students are learning about the Cartesian Plane and Graphing. During our first week back, students learnt to draw a Cartesian Plane and place coordinates on the plane. 

Chloe A, 8G
Emily C, 8G
Brock K, 8F
Eleanor K, 8D
Annika K, 8D
Chloe A, 8G
Emily C, 8G
Brock K, 8F
Eleanor K, 8D
Annika K, 8D

To practice this skill, students were given mystery coordinates and instructions for how to connect these points. As they connect their coordinates, a mystery picture was revealed! 


Students had a lot of fun creating these drawings. 

Nicola Disegna
Pushpa Prasad
Linda Yang
Nicola Disegna
Pushpa Prasad
Linda Yang

Nicola Disegna, Pushpa Prasad, Linda Yang

Year 8 Maths team