Deaf Education Centre (DEC)

DEC News
Remote Learning and back onsite
Welcome back. It is exciting for us all to be back onsite with our focus to keep moving forward. Our Y12 students have now finalised the year and it’s great to have the Y7-10 students back full time. Fingers crossed that the remainder of Term 4 is smooth sailing. We are so proud of each and every one of you for keeping your work up online.
Goodbye Y12 Students
Goodbye and Congratulations to our four DEC Y12 students who completed their studies this year. Congratulations Kenny, Jasmine, Connor and Charlotte. It's been amazing to see you all here at the start of Y7 and persevered through to Y12. Staff and students at the College are very proud of you all and wish you all the best in your future endeavours.
SSGs (Student Support Group Meetings)
Just a reminder to parents/guardians that SSG Meetings are scheduled for Week 7 this term with Alex Robinson. Please keep an eye out for an email from Sarah regarding this. Meetings will be scheduled in 30 minute blocks. We look forward to seeing you soon.
Website being updated and under construction
We are excited to share that our MEC DEC section on the College Website is being updated. It will contain the most current and relevant information you need for any information required regarding Mount Erin Colleges Deaf Education Centre. Be sure to check it out when the website construction is complete.
Y10 Exams
Good luck and all the best for our Y10 students undertaking exams during Week 8. It has been a challenging year so we hope these exams put you into good practice for VCE.
Early commencement - Monday 29th November
Moving onwards and upward. We are looking forward to Early Commencement starting in Week 9 to get a nice head start for next year. We look forward to supporting our students during this transition.
DEC Classroom and Office - New Location
Our DEC has a new location in the College. The classroom setting will be based in C Block (previously a staff room). Our office is now located in the DATS building. This will be a great set up for our students and staff and we are really looking forward to the move and having our own teaching and learning space again.
Alex, Sarah, Kathryn and Anne
Deaf Education