Parents Association 










Just like us, we’re sure you are all feeling so grateful that our kids are finally going to be with each other again for the remainder of the school year. And thankfully, the weather has been good to us too in bringing some positivity and sunshine to make the transition back just that little bit easier!  A BIG thanks to our wonderful teaching staff again for making the return to school a fun and exciting time for all of us. We would appreciate it if you could extend this thanks even further tomorrow as we celebrate “World Teacher Day”. Even the simplest thing to do of writing a short email with some kind words of acknowledgement and sincere thanks, is an easy way for all of us to recognise their unwavering support and efforts towards nurturing our children over the last few months of remote learning. Let’s remind them what legends they all are and that it is not going unnoticed by us!


We have a few updates for the remainder of this term that we will provide to you now but we also require your attention in regards to an important action we need to take now:








St James Parent’s Association  -  Planning for 2022 Team

Last night we held our last PA meeting for 2021 (outside of our AGM planned for 30 November).  We presented an outline of the key roles required for next year and had a brief discussion of the requirements for these roles moving into 2022 and beyond, as has been created by the Executive team this year. 

Please click here for an overview of all PA roles and responsibilities.


We (Kat and Kate) will be stepping aside from the Co-chair role. We've loved it but due to work and family pressures, we need to have a bit of a break after the challenges of the last couple of years.  We also want to encourage others to have a go at being involved! 

Candice will also be stepping down from the Secretary role (which is now renamed Communications). Due to the consolidation of MACS, the role of Treasurer is no longer viable as the School Bursar and Business Manager are responsible for all funds. Thanks to Lee for all she has done this year. 


Toby will stay on board for another year of being King Dad in 2022!


For 2022 we all want to focus on bringing joy to our community! In terms of the STJPA we need to

  1. Find new 2022 Reps: Our current 2021 crew will be chatting to each year level to find new reps for 2022. We encourage teams to share the load! Please add names and contact details (tab 1 and tab 2) to the 2022 STJPA Contacts spreadsheet here. 
  2. Find a new Exec: Anyone with an inkling to be involved in the exec roles to send an expression of interest email to Brendan asap. He will then chat with those interested.
  3. Event coordinators: Anyone interested in being involved in any of the school events listed in the spreadsheet to also add their names to it. We have included the previous co-ordinators who we will encourage to contact. We have also organised an entire folder of resources that will be given to each event leader to support them and know what to do!

For the most part, the most important thing is to encourage everyone to get involved. We can only make things happen if people put their hands up, and the more hands, the lighter the load! We are so proud of all we have achieved as a team this year, and last, despite the incredible challenges of COVID. 2022 is about bringing the joy back to school!


If you are interested in the Executive roles, please email direct to Brendan Flanagan at:


“STJPA Procedure Manual” - The PA Executive have prepared a Procedure Manual for handover to the new PA team for 2022 to include key links to: Historic list of all School Events/Activities (including: Contacts/Budget/Format info) / CDF Pay usage and FAQs /  Key Activity Planner and Volunteer Lists. This will be available in December. 




Christmas Community Board Competition!


Our competition closed Friday 8th October and may we say a HUGE thank you to all those who provided some really beautiful works of art… what a talented bunch of kids you all are! 

Congratulations to our Ptolemy Krillis in Grade 3 who is the 2021 Winner of our Christmas Community Boards competition. An  amazing artwork expressed through Watercolour… Well Done P! 


Click here to view all the entries including the Winning entry - Image No. 9, by Ptolemy Krillis (Grade 3)


Once our board locations are determined (Still with local Bayside Council to decide), we will inform the school community of this but our sincere congratulations to all who participated in this activity. 


COLOUR RUN - Postponed until to 2022


As previously mentioned, we have postponed the Colour Run until a new date (TBC) in 2022. 


All children who have already fundraised will be able to order a prize from their online store and will need to finalise their orders by logging into their ‘myprofile’ page and scrolling down to ‘order prizes’. 


Prizes must be ordered by November 1st. 



Again, our thanks so much to those who raised funds this year. 

Please note that those with cash donations need to please bring them into the school office. This is required first in order for the Colour Run organisers to release all funds back to our school so we are kindly asking all your cash donations to be returned ASAP in an envelope clearly marked with your child’s name and grade. We will be able to let you know the total amount raised once the cash monies are returned and the fees are calculated with the company. 



This Friday is Australian World Teachers Day. We would like to thank Donette Simmons for her idea of organising beautiful lolly boxes from a local business - Oh Lolly Love - to thank the teachers and staff. Thanks to everyone for coordinating so we can thank our STJ staff. 





At present, we are still planning for our End of Year parent night out in line with all Covid restrictions and rules at Elsternwick Tennis Club (Wimbledon whites theme). This is still earmarked for the night of Friday 3rd December this year. More to come on this in the coming weeks but we encourage all of you to please … SAVE THE DATE!!!


Lastly, in an effort to support our Year 6 kids with fundraising efforts and commitments towards their graduation event, we encourage you to get your gold coins ready and in the school bags as soon as possible as there may be opportunity for kids to purchase crafts or treats throughout this term. Whatever we can do to bring some cheer and support to our Year 6 kids in their final year of primary school will be warmly welcomed.


Hard to believe that we’re already at the end of October but wishing you all a wonderful time over the coming long weekend and to those of you Trick or Treating with your adorable witches and goblins… Enjoy!


Stay well and take care...



Katrina Cheshire & Kate Korber

STJPA Co-chairs