Principal's News 

We are gradually returning as a complete school group and it is a delight to see the happy faces of the children every day this week.  The good news is that we will all be returning to school on Wednesday 3rd November.  It has been quite a while, since Thursday 15th July when we were all here on site at St James.


What is important is that the return of the children to school occurs in a gentle manner.  Helping our children transition back to school may /  will bring some challenges for parents and children.  Re-establishing normal routines will be important.  We expect the children to be fatigued, hungry and unsettled for a period of time.  Our Preps proved this to us after just three days of school last week.  The focus is on reconnection and reducing anxiety for everyone.  It does in some way feel the start of the school year again and we are in late October.


Safety procedure in post lockdown period reminders:

  • Masks for the children in Year 3-6 are strongly  recommended
  • All in the community are encouraged to sanitise regularly in the school building
  • Movement around the school is limited and children will be instructed to play in designated areas

In addition, with the return to school of all of our children, we are mindful of ensuring that the air quality of our rooms is consistent with ensuring safety for all.


Carbon Dioxide levels need to be a consistent level.  A higher concentration in excess of 1000ppm, can have significant effects on the general wellbeing of our children and teachers such as headaches, fatigue and lack of concentration. We have employed a consultant to provide us with a report of air quality who has presented details on classrooms two weeks ago.  The results were very favourable and consistent with suitable CO2 concentrations for closed spaces.  A further check will be conducted next Wednesday when children return to school.


MACSIS survey 

Reminder to those families who have received the MACSIS survey to please complete the document.  This information is crucial for our school in planning and assessing multiple measures of data of our school. The MACSIS survey allows for the prediction of actions, processes and programs that best meet the learning needs of all our students.  The perceptions by children in Year 3-6, staff and parents of what all groups think and feel about St James assists in the ORIMA group interpreting the data.

At this stage we have received a very small number of responses.  If you have received a survey please submit the survey.  The closing date is very soon.


St James 2021 and 2022

Planning for 2022 is currently underway.  Staffing has been finalised for 2022 and there are a small number of changes.


Ms Bernie Whiffen will be retiring at the end of the school year after many years of loving service and great teaching at St James and other Catholic schools over a long period of teaching.  We will miss Bernie as she is a beautiful person and has contributed a great deal to our children and the whole community at St James.


Ms Mandy Cooper is also retiring after many distinguished years as a teacher.  Mandy has been a vibrant teacher and has ensured the Visual Arts here at St James was the best in the district.


Ms Holly Cappomolla will also be leaving us after two magnificent years.  Holly commenced her teaching career at St James as a graduate teacher and has grown exponentially as an educator.  Holly will be teaching at Sacre Coeur next year where she attended as a student. 


I am pleased to announce that Ms Lisa Featherstone and Mrs Belinda Mihalicek will be joining us as teachers in 2022.  Mrs Caroline Egan will also join the team as The Visual Arts teacher. Lisa is currently teaching at Our Lady of Peace Laverton, Belinda at Our Lady of Lourdes and Caroline at S Joseph's Chelsea and St Peters Clayton.


COVID Safety Reminders

As the process of returning to school commences on Monday 18th October, we ask everyone in our community to monitor for symptoms, such as fever, cough, sore throat or shortness of breath and get testedif any symptoms appear and do not attend school.  We ask that students remain at home if a household member is suspected of COVID - 19 until they receive a negative result.


Faith in our Future

