Dear Families,
We have confirmed a new date for the fete - Saturday 19th March 2022. We can resume with planning and organisation. We will only have a few weeks to get things sorted when we return for Term 1 next year so it is important that we can tick off a few things before the end of the year.
Trash and Treasure and Books
All items that you have been collecting during lockdown can now be dropped off at school. Woohoo! For the time being, we will be using the portable classroom to store the items. To minimise handling, could you please take directly to the portable at pick up or drop off. If you are unable to do so, you can still leave at the office with Shannon or Naomi. Please be considerate and only donate goods that are in good working order. Please note we will not be accepting clothing or electrical goods. Things to consider donating include books, CDs, records, DVD’s, crockery, toys, homewares etc.
As the fete has been postponed from this year, we will unfortunately be losing some of our Year 6 family volunteers. We thank them for all of their efforts this year with trying to organise the fete under such challenging circumstances! We wish you all the best in the future and hope you might still be able to join us on the day.
We are now looking for new volunteers for the following
- Trash and Treasure Co-ordinator/s
- Face painting co-ordinator and volunteers for the day
Printing Contacts
There is quite a lot of printing involved with the fete, from raffle tickets, large banner, A3 and A5 flyers. Does anybody have a contact that could assist us with these printing jobs, be it through donation or discount? In return we are happy to include their business on all our promotional flyers and through our newsletter and social media for 12 months. We would love to hear from you.
Thanks to our very generous sponsors so far:
- Bendigo Bank
- Verve Portraits
- Highett Community House
- Tina Leonard
- Harvey Norman Nunawading (Stanton family)
- B & V Security
- Baypoint Projects (Imperatori family)
- Icing Artist
- Buxton Real Estate
- AMPHA Health
Sponsorship - last call
If you or your business is interested in sponsoring the fete, or if you know of anybody who is able to provide sponsorship in the way of goods, services or cash donations, please let us know by Friday 29th October. We are finalising our artwork, including logos, so if you would like to be featured, please let us know as soon as possible. In return we are happy to promote your business through our newsletter and social media for 12 months.
Keep your eyes out for the rescheduled hotdog funday lunch. Hopefully, with restrictions easing we will be able to do this in the next few weeks.
We will also be conducting the exclusive Tina Leonard raffle this term. More details to follow, in the meantime check out Tina's amazing artwork on Facebook @Tina Leonard Studio Gallery or Instagram at @tinaleonardstudiogallery.
Thank you to everybody for your ongoing support. It has been a really tough year on many different levels, but we look forward to bringing the school and the community together for a fun-filled day.
If you can help with any of the above, please contact the Fete Committee at stagnesschoolfete@gmail.com
Kind regards,
Fiona and Clare