Term Four Events
Sacrament of First Eucharist and Confirmation
Due to restrictions on attendees at religious gatherings, Sacramental masses for First Eucharist will be held during school hours at morning Parish Masses. The dates are outlined below:
- Year 4 - Friday 12th November at 9am
- Year 5 - Friday 19th November at 9am
Sacrament of Confirmation
Our Parish Priest Fr Alan Fox has recently been delegated authority from our Regional Bishop Rev. Fr Tony Ireland for the Sacrament of Confirmation. Once details have been finalised regarding this important step in the faith journey of our students, we will communicate with all Year 6 families.
St Agnes’ Tuckshop
The tuckshop will resume on Friday 29th October. Previous orders not filled due to snap lockdowns can be redeemed. New orders can be placed online: password - lunch2021
2022 Prep Orientation and Information Night
Our Prep 2022 onsite orientation program to orient our new Prep students and families will commence as planned in mid-November. Specifics regarding this will be communicated to 2022 Prep families.
- Parent Information Night - Monday 15th November - Onsite in the school hall.
- Orientation session 1 - Wednesday 17th November
- Orientation session 2 - Wednesday 24th November
- Orientation session 3 - Wednesday 1st December
School Advisory Council - Annual General Meeting
The Annual General Meeting for the School Advisory Council will be held on Tuesday 30th November. All parents are invited to attend this meeting. We are calling for nominations for election to this important parent body. The SAC aims to work in the best interests of the St Agnes’ community and to assist and foster the growth and development of Catholic Education in Highett. Members are also responsible for communicating new developments and progress reports to the school community. During 2021, the School Advisory Council has met twice a term and meetings usually go for around 1.5 hours. The commitment is not huge; the greatest contribution is your opinion, discretion and attendance at meetings. If you are interested in joining this parent body, please get in touch with Anton Duddy (anton_duddy@hotmail.com) or myself.
Year Six Graduation Meeting - Wednesday 17th November at 8am
There is an online meeting regarding Year 6 Graduation, to discuss the possible scenarios and continue with planning. All Year Six parents are invited to attend this meeting, using the following link: https://meet.google.com/pbe-kbiz-aib
Melbourne Cup Long Weekend - Pupil Free Day
Please note that Monday 1st November will be a pupil-free day. The school will be closed on this day.
Prep 100 Days Celebration - Monday 8th November
It has been a long time coming, but the Prep 100 Days celebration will occur on Monday 8th November. Mrs Baker will communicate some of the details with Prep families.
Year 3 and 4 Camps to Melbourne Zoo
Despite recently updated advice, this camp has been cancelled on us by Melbourne Zoo. A credit will be applied to the school fees accounts for those families affected.
Year 5/6 Beach Program
This open water swimming program will occur on Tuesday 23rd and Wednesday 24th November at Mordialloc Surf Life Saving Club.
St Agnes’ Sports Carnival - Friday 26th November
We are looking to once again reorganise this event to occur at a sports oval, with our school community in attendance, however it proving to be difficult to find a venue. We will update you when we have more clarity.
School Closure Day - Monday 29th November
Monday 29th November is a pupil-free day to allow staff to plan for the commencement of the 2022 school year.
Swimming Program - Prep to Year Four
The Swimming Program at Toby Haenen Swim School for our Prep to Year 4 students will commence on Tuesday 30th November, running daily until Friday 10th December except for a rest day on Thursday 9th December.
Walkathon - Friday 3rd December
The St Agnes’ School Walkathon will occur at Peterson Street reserve on Friday 3rd December. With limited opportunity to fundraise for the school this year, this is an important event for the school. The Sponsorship Form is attached to the P&F Page of this newsletter.
Italian Day - Monday 15th November
The celebration of Italian culture will take place on Monday 15th November. There will be special activities related to the day and the students can come to school dressed in some way related to Italian culture. More information will be provided in the next newsletter.
School Production - Cinderella and Rockerfella- Thursday 9th December
We are moving forward with our School Production of Cinderella and Rockerfella. We have moved the performance to a one-time event in the evening of Thursday 9th December, taking the place of our Christmas Carols. It will be an outdoor, picnic style showcase of our students' prowess in the Performing Arts. This will also be a terrific occasion for our school community to gather together with the children front and centre.
Year 6 Final Assembly - Wednesday 8th December
This will be that last time our Year 6 students gather together with their friends from St Agnes’. The format of this assembly is to be determined, but we will find a way.
2022 Orientation Morning
Students will spend time with their classroom teacher for 2022, from 9-11am on Friday 10th December.
Year Six Excursion to Luna Park - Monday 13th December
The Year Six students go to Luna Park for their end-of-year celebration with their peers and teachers. This will include a special lunch and is a great tradition of our school.
Year 6 Final Day - Tuesday 14th December
The final day for our graduating class of Year 6 students will be on Tuesday 14th December. They will finish at the usual 3.25pm dismissal time.
End of Year/Graduation Mass and Graduation Celebrations - Tuesday 14th December
The format for our End of Year and Graduation Mass is still to be determined. More information will follow.
End of Term 4 - Wednesday 15th December
The final day of Term 4 for our Prep to Year 5 students will be on Wednesday 15th December. The students will finish at 1.30pm on this day.
Extend - Vacation Care
We are excited to announce that Extend OHSC are now introducing a new component to their service - Vacation Care - commencing in Summer 2022. Please visit the Extend page of this newsletter for an information pack about the amazing experiences on offer throughout this program.