Sport News

Sport Update
We are coming back!
With the end of lockdown and the return to school, COVID restrictions are easing and we are coming back to community sport.
Fingers crossed we may have some sport coming up at the end of the term - watch this space and keep an eye on the newsfeed for tryouts!
While we have been in lockdown, many students have been using the time to continue to improve and train to the best of their ability.
For instance, Freya Wilson has been selected to the Junior State Development squad for discuss. Coupled with this, her sister Eva has also been selected to be on the team - great work! Both girls will also be attending the NSW athletics competition from the 9th to the 12th of December as well.
As a result of their stellar efforts during lockdown in consistently entering Virtual SSV events, including track and field sports and cross country, and their selections to state teams, AND their records they have achieved, Viewbank has nominated both girls for an SSV award. We wish them luck, with the awards ceremony being in December.
Some advice for all budding athletes out there… If you are wondering how to find more time in your day, and how to train more often to get better, then you need to prioritise!
Get off the Xbox/Playstation and get to training! Because guaranteed - the training session you don’t go to, that run you didn’t go on, those few extra trials you didn’t do - those are the sessions your opposition did that get them the win.
Let's take some time to learn about your teachers at the school.
Old hands, new members, people who you wouldn't associate with sports, and people who keep the school ticking over.
Darren Murray
1) What is your preferred sport/s? How long have you been playing? Who do you play for (or coach)?
My preferred sport growing up was definitely AFL and when growing up in WA my favorite TV show growing up was the ‘Winners’ on Sunday evenings that showed the VFL highlights. I played for South Bunbury in country WA and then for a while for East Perth in the WAFL, before work and travel took priority! I have coached many Viewbank College sport teams over the years! These days I sometimes run around in the AFL 7’s competition playing for the Flaming Peacocks and generally love cycling and surfing.
2) What is your greatest achievement(s) in these?
My greatest achievements were playing in grand finals at both South Bunbury and East Perth colts (both of which we lost so not the best memories!). I took also coached a Senior Boys AFL team for Viewbank College that made the state finals – which is not easy to make!
3) What's your favourite sporting moment in history? Why?
Apart from the numerous West Coast Eagles premiership years, my favourite sporting moment was definitely Cathy Freemans gold medal in the 400m at the Sydney Olympics. Amazing on so many levels and I still get goose bumps seeing the replay now!
4) Do you have any athletes who inspire you?
Although the Adam Goodes story makes me sad and angry, I think his legacy will last forever and he has helped raise awareness of Indigenous culture to another level here in Australia and overseas. Nic Natanui is my most admired athlete currently not just for his unique ability but also the way he conducts himself as a person of integrity. He is a great example to us all.
5) Do you have any advice to motivate/inspire young athletes today?
Sport and exercise are integral to my overall wellbeing and I still love teaching Health and PE and see this being vital to the education and experiences of young people.
Renea Betts
1) What is your preferred sport/s? How long have you been playing? Who do you play for (or coach)?
My preferred sports are basketball and snowboarding. I have played basketball for 30ish years (recently retired) and have snowboarded for about 15 years.
2) What is your greatest achievement(s) in these?
I’m sure my mum still has a cupboard full of dusty old basketball trophies to sum up my achievements on the court and have achieved nothing but a few broken bones on the snowfields
3) What's your favourite sporting moment in history? Why?
Eric the Eel in the 2000 Olympics is still one of my favorite sporting moments, it sums up all that sport should be, inclusive and uniting. Torah Bright winning gold in the Half Pipe in the 2010 Winter Olympics is a close second.
4) Do you have any athletes who inspire you?
Paddy Mills. He is such a positive role model on and off the court
5) Do you have any advice to motivate/inspire young athletes today?
To quote the GOAT Michael Jordan ‘Talent wins games, but teamwork and intelligence win championships’. Work hard, be kind to umpires (we all make mistakes), and develop those around you.
Ross Purcell and Luke Gazzola