Middle School News

Year 7 Health and Wellbeing Day
On Friday 5th November, our Year 7 students participated in the Year 7 Health and Wellbeing Day.
Students participated in a Bully Zero online presentation in the morning and then in the afternoon students walked to Banyule Flats for a picnic to play some sport and socialise.
Terra Launch Clubs
On Tuesday, Terra Middle School enjoyed Clubs during Launch.
Hydra and Ignis Colour Run
On Tuesday, 9th November, Middle School students in Ignis and Hydra headed up to Price Park for their Colour Run. The weather was perfect and much fun was had by all.
As I walk back to school wiping the coloured powder from my forehead and laughing with my friends about what an afternoon we just had, with middle school students from Hydra and Ignis coming together at Price Park for a Colour run!
Drowning us in water and coating us in colour the teachers certainly did not hold back.
In fact, the smiles on their faces when they landed their colour marking on a student indicated that they probably enjoyed it a little bit too much.
After one lap, I was multi-coloured with water from the last station dripping down my forehead and a dust cloud of colour trailing behind me. For a first colour run, it set the bar very high. With teachers and kids screaming and laughing I think, we can all agree this was a fantastic event to celebrate the return to school and a great way to have fun together with our friends. Thank you to everyone who was involved to make this happen.
Year 7 - Hydra
A message from your Middle School House Captains
We seeking donations of canned goods, cereals, breads, packaged food etc for the Second bite Foundation. Donations can be left in the box at the General Office.
Congratulations to Freya and Eva Wilson!
Congratulations to Freya and Eva Wilson on their entries in the Whittlesea Show.