A Message from our School Captains 

Remembrance Day

This week we celebrated Remembrance Day at Altona Green. The JSC’s went around the classes to sell item’s related to poppies. On Thursday classes celebrated Remembrance Day in their own way. And at the 11th hour, our school had a minute of silence to think about all the sacrifices the servicemen/women have done for our country.


Because it is coming closer to the end of the term at Altona Green, the Year 6’s are getting closer and closer to graduation. We have been practising our song and dance, we are all very excited to finally graduate. We can’t wait for all the wonderful stuff our teachers have planned for us.


Although going to high school can be very nerve-racking we are excited to take a new step and learn new things. With all this excitement happening the year 6’s have been preparing our speeches for graduation and we are all happy to have a speech. Thanks to Sarah and Nancy for helping us organise this wonderful graduation.


At the end of every year, each grade tests out what it would be like to be a year level above. Often with different peers and teachers, students get to experience different aspects of learning. It’s a fun time to get a sense of a different part of the school. For the day you get to know the people you could possibly be surrounded with next year, giving a great opportunity to connect with new people. Step up day will be taking place on the 18th of November.

Soccer Goals

This month the P.E teacher, Nancy, purchased soccer goals for Altona Green’s students.

They are being used constantly. Students are enjoying them with the following schedule.

  • Monday: 4/5s
  • Tuesday: First break Preps, Second break 1s
  • Wednesday: 6s
  • Thursday: 2/3s
  • Friday: 6s

Staff Appreciation Week

Yesterday was teacher appreciation day, it was great to see many students give their

teachers a letter, gift and a thank you. From the school captains, we would like to thank all

teachers at AGPS for their hard work and dedication throughout onsite and online learning, you all deserve a night out and a cheer. The students are all very proud and thankful for the effort and ongoing support.




Emily, Alexia, Jasmin, Olivia

AGPS School Captains and Vice Captains