Principal's Message

Dear Parents, students and the wider community,


I hope all the dad's, step-dads, grandpas and other special males in our student's lives were a little bit spoilt last Sunday. We need these special days to remind us sometimes that time is passing. I spoke to my elderly neighbour last week and he said without his golf twice a week, and being retired, he has to remember that every Wednesday night he needs to put the bins out!! I think for many of us life is a bit like that at present without the busy diaries of sports training, swimming practices, etc  that dominate the after school routines of those with dependent children. 


With one week to go in Term 3 it has certainly not been the term any of us would have hoped for. Thank you so much to our staff, students and families for working together so well so our students have carried on with some of their learning. Fingers crossed for a full 4th Term at school on our return but, if not, staff are planning what remote learning might look like. We will again change things a bit to keep our students connected and learning. For the google meets at home I have been asked by staff to remind families that the students shouldn't be attending these meetings in their pyjamas or while in their bedrooms. If this request can please be abided by it would be much appreciated. 


This week and next week we have had a variety of outside speakers work with the students as part of their Health and Responsibility fortnight as well as RUOK Day yesterday. Like last week's Science Day, these special events change the expectations of a 'usual' day and from reports from staff have been well-attended and appreciated. 


Our Foundation Information Night was held on-line next last night after our 2022 Foundation students had their Super Starter Hour on-line in the afternoon. The excitement of these many new families and children on taking their first formal steps into ''big'' school from their Kinders and Childcare Centres was very evident.  We really look forward to them being with us as our students next February. 


For those with Foundation students you will be aware that we have had Miss Emilie Wilson doing her teaching rounds here. She has worked diligently with the students on-site, particularly the Foundation students. She finishes her 4 week round on Monday in what will have proven to be a very unique way to learn how to teach. Having taught Emilie myself when she was in Grade 4 it was certainly a pleasure to have her around the school and we all wish her all the best for her future. 


Sadly their is some other staffing news I need to let you know. Mrs Brenda Trickey will be retiring on the 15 October after commencing at St Anne's in 2005. We are excited for Mrs Trickey to begin her next stage of life but obviously saddened as she has been an absolute star in running our office. We have employed Mrs Michele Wain to look after our office and she will work alongside Mrs Trickey for the first two weeks of Term 4 before taking charge. Mrs Wain has been at St Brigid's PS, Mordialloc for a number of years and we are thrilled that she has chosen to join our community of St Anne's. 


God Bless You All


Rod Shaw


School Attendance and Unexplained Absence

Please ensure you contact the school before 9:30am if your child is going to be absent or late  by leaving a message on 9786 4736 and press #1.

If you are running late (after  9:00 am ) please attend the office to sign your child into school. 


As per our policy this will be our morning routine for absences:


Parents will be contacted as soon as practicable on the morning a student is absent via a phone call or text message.

If parent does not reply or is unreachable the emergency contacts will be contacted by the school.

If there is still no response, and the school feels that the child is in danger, the police will be contacted.


Ongoing unexplained absences or lack of cooperation regarding student attendance will result in a formal conference being organized. Unresolved attendance issues will be referred to D.H.H.S.


This is a legal requirement.