From the Executive Director

I would like to extend our festive season greetings and heartfelt thanks to all clients who have continued to use our services during 2021.
We are delighted that we have been able to assist our clients in meeting the challenges of the year with our services in FOI, privacy and other government law areas by providing advice, conducting reviews and offering technical expertise - all digitally! Through the year we have provided services such as:
- privacy impact assessments and reviews of draft assessments
- advice on applications for review or complaints made to the Office of the Victorian Information Commissioner
- making applications to VCAT for review of FOI decisions
- purchasing our FOI Procedures Manual, subscribing to our monthly or annual case summaries of VCAT FOI and privacy cases (the 2021 edition will be available in early in the New Year)
- all of our privacy, freedom of information and related data management training sessions throughout the year.
Keep an eye on our website for our new training calendar for 2022. Of course, our regular sessions on FOI Training for Basic and Intermediate levels will be included, as well as some new programs. If you have any particular queries or burning government law issues that you would like us to incorporate in our training, please reach out and let us know.
Many of our clients have commented on the increase in FOI requests throughout 2021 and as the year has drawn to an end. Whatever your own experience has been, the team at FOI Solutions hopes you are able to have a well-deserved break over the festive and holiday season. Be sure to get well rested as based on the feedback we're receiving, 2022 looks like it will be another very busy year!