Our dedicated staff welcome you back

It's so hard to believe but

It's all coming back to me


‘It’s All Coming Back To Me Now’ 


by Jim Steinman from ‘Bat Out of Hell: The Musical’


25th Anniversary

In 2021, Cecil Hills High School celebrates its 25th anniversary.  We are now expecting to hold our 25th anniversary celebrations in 2022 so we can celebrate in style when restrictions ease.  We will still hold some smaller activities in 2021 to mark this significant milestone.

Return to School

In terms of my introductory quote, the NSW Department of Education has announced a return date for all students from Year 7 to Year 11 on Monday, 25 October 2021 and we are “all coming back”.  We look forward seeing our students back on site. We appreciate all the positive feedback on our approach to online learning, however, there is no substitute for quality face-to-face teaching.

Modified Bell Times and Playground

The school will operate with modified bell times when we return.  This is to stagger start times and end times.  At this stage, we anticipate the following start times and end times for different grades:


Start Time

End Time

Year 7



Year 8



Year 9



Year 10



Year 11



Students will have recess and lunch breaks according to a modified schedule to reduce mixing between grades.  Year 7 will have breaks on their own.  Year 8 will have breaks with Year 11.  Year 9 will have breaks with Year 10.  We will publish a more detailed timetable next week.


In the playground during breaks, students must stay with their grade (unless seeing a teacher in a staffroom) and their grade will be assigned to either the Main Quad area or the TAS/CAPA Quad area.


Support Unit students will operate to their normal timetable including arrival and departure times.


A reminder that we are a Bring Your Own Device school and all students in all grades are required to bring their device every day when we return.  This is essential as a number of courses will hold assessment tasks using an online platform in the next few weeks.

Students who borrowed a laptop through the school are asked to return this device to the Technical Support Officers in a timely manner once we return.  Students who need to retain a school laptop they have borrowed to complete online assessments at school when we return should contact the Technical Support Officers.

Year 12 Matters

Year 12 students in ATAR courses will continue with timetabled revision seminars in Week 3, Term 4.  This concludes our formal teaching and learning for Year 12 and we wish students all the best for their HSC exams.  Students and parents should note the following dates which are relevant for Year 12 students:





Week 4, Term 4

Independent study for Year 12

Week 5, Term 4

Independent study for Year 12
Tuesday, 9 November 2021

Week 6, Term 4

HSC written exams commence
Thursday, 2 December 2021

Week 9, Term 4

HSC written exams conclude
Friday, 3 December 2021

Week 9, Term 4

Year 12 Graduation (details TBC)

As a large school, we will need to prioritise HSC students completing onsite exams.  This may impact on the delivery of onsite learning, in particular on the following dates, where large candidature HSC exams including English and Mathematics are held:

  • Tuesday, 9 November 2021 (English Paper 1 exams)
  • Wednesday, 10 November 2021 (English Paper 2 exams)
  • Monday, 15 November 2021 (Mathematics exams)

Some grades may be required to learn from home on these dates to provide sufficient space for HSC students to complete exams in accordance with COVID rules.  Once we have completed our HSC planning, we will communicate with parents and students to confirm the plans for these days.  We appreciate your understanding of the need to prioritise HSC exams.


Flexible Day

Our last flexible day will be on Wednesday, 20 October 2021 (Wednesday, Week 3).  This provides a final opportunity for students to catch up on outstanding work and ensure they are prepared for our return to school on Monday, 25 October 2021.  We received positive feedback on our flexible days and appreciate the high levels of support from parents on our approach.

Support Unit

We welcome back Year 12 Support Unit students on Monday, 18 October 2021.  

Year 7 to Year 11 Support Unit students will return on Monday, 25 October 2021.

COVID-Safe Practices

The school will continue enhanced cleaning practices when we return.  This consists of regular cleaning of high traffic areas, bathrooms, railings, high touch surfaces, etc.  Students are encouraged to bring their own hand sanitiser to school.  Hand sanitiser will also be available in classrooms.


The NSW Department of Education has conducted a ventilation audit in every NSW public school.  I am currently working with department officers to ensure our classrooms are ready for our return.

Face Masks

When students return to school, they will be required to wear a face mask (unless an exemption applies) under the rules of the NSW Department of Education.  The school will have a supply of face masks, however, students will be encouraged to bring their own masks to school.  If a student does not wear a mask, their parent will be contacted to collect them from school.

Latest Advice

It is important for parents to rely on official information from the NSW Department of Education in relation to our return to school.  A number of parents have alerted me to false information being discussed in the community.  For example:

  • Parents have been told there is a student vaccination program for COVID-19.  This is false.  There is no student vaccination program for COVID-19.
  • Parents have been told there is a requirement for students to be vaccinated.  This is false.  Students are not required to be vaccinated (although many students have been vaccinated).

All Year 7 to Year 11 students should return on Monday, 25 October 2021 regardless of whether they are vaccinated.


Parents are encouraged to check information with the school if they have questions.  You can access the latest information from the NSW Department of Education in relation to our return to school here:




Parent Information Sessions

Our next Parent Information Session will be held at 6:30pm on Monday, 1 November 2021.  This will be followed by a short P&C meeting for those who wish to stay online. Information on logging into the Zoom meeting will be emailed to parents.


I look forward to continuing to work with the staff, students and parents of Cecil Hills High School, the best school in NSW.


Mark Sutton


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