Primary News

It has been a busy start to Term 4 for Prep L and Prep/1 A
We started our term with an excursion to Myuna Farm, we milked a goat, fed sheep, a donkey, rabbits, guinea pigs and lots more animals. We even went on a train ride around the farm, it was a lot of fun!
Assemblies have been exciting, we have all been getting our Magic word certificates. We had police officers visit breakfast club and then come down to the Prep room to answer a few questions and take some pictures, it was a fantastic morning.
We have also been practising our adding and subtracting to help us learn all about money. It has been a busy and exciting few weeks and we can’t wait to see what the rest of the term brings.
Ms Levy & Mrs Abraham - Class Teachers
1/2L Newsletter
Our Task Works Incursion was fun and enjoyed by everyone.
The students had the following to say about their favourite stations:-
1.The Striker:
Emmanuel: … so it could test some of our muscles or maybe exercise our hands.
Ammar: … because it is fun and it tests your muscles.
Harley:…..Hit the pad with the hammer.
Sotiris:… because you needed strength and I have strength because I do boxing and it was fun.
Andrej: …. because I had to hit the lever. The trick is to hit the edge of the lever and it might hit the bell.
Victor: …because it can test your strength. If you hit the edge… will get a better chance of ringing the bell.
Chan:… because I hit the lever with the hammer. The best spot is the edge of the pad.
Jacob: ….because I got to hit the lever with the mallet and the bell rang.
J.C…. because it was fun to hit the pad and when you get a point..
Paul: …because when I do exercise at school, I will start boxing next February.
2. The Go-Cart:
Dorothy: ….because I got to pull it out and put it back together.
3. The spinning board :
Evie:…… because it was fun pretending to have a competition.
and the Magnetic beads in the table:
Asiya:…. Because when I was spinning around, I was sooo dizzy and I love to be dizzy! It was so amusing!
4. Push and Pull:
Tami: …because we get to take turns and it’s fun when it’s high.
Collin: ….because I liked how we went up and down on the seats.
Stella: …because I felt like I was going to fall. It was fun!
Chelsea: ….because when you drop, it is fast!
Chantelle: … because it was fun when I went down and because it was fascinating inside. There was a chain. It was helping to pull up the seats.
Siena:… because it was fun when we went up and down.
5. Magnetic Bridge:
Abigail: … because it is funny when you try to put your shoe straight .Your shoe goes sideways.
Kiske: …. Because the feeling when you walk on it feels amazing because you don’t go the correct way forward. It’s just so fun!
Aida: … because there were magnets under the shoes.
Mrs Lilburne - Class Teacher.
It has been another busy month in our unit. Students have been focussing on analysing the books we have been reading and working on procedural texts in writing.
The Integrated studies topic of Design and Technology has been a real hit so far. Students have been learning about the various design jobs and how they use ideas to create new products. Everyone is extremely excited to begin their design brief and work on designing a T-shirt to take home.
Last Friday, the ‘Taskworks’ incursion was a highlight of our week. All students were engaged in fun activities to extend our creativity and design robots and racing cars.
We are also madly working on our dance in STOMP classes to get ready for our concert in a few weeks! All students are excited to perform in front of friends and family.
On Monday we all participated in the FTA Football Academy Clinic. We met the coaches and learnt new skills to help us play the game. Some of the students are extremely interested in joining the Academy next year as it will be open to Primary students from Grade 4 onwards.
We are on the home stretch, not long to go now!
Mrs McPhie and Ms Di Petta - Class Teachers
It is nearly summer! Grade 5B have had a fun month with lots of out of the norm activities.
The FTA clinic on Monday 12th of November saw students hopping through hoops, becoming juggling stars and playing a fun social game of soccer. Coach Lewis, Coach Tim and Coach Olivia worked closely with students to help them develop their football skills, sportsmanship and general understanding of the game.
Into the Woodwork Room, students participated in a ‘Learning By Doing’ workshop incursion. The Woodwork room set up workbenches for students, giving them the opportunity to use a selection of woodworking tools and build a model windmill. Not only was the incursion lots of fun but students learnt about safe use of tools, tips and tricks for how to follow a design which will be helpful for their Design and Technology unit this term.
STOMP sessions are well under way and grade 5B have shown their dedication and enthusiasm towards learning their dance. We are all looking forward to the school concert in December.
Ms Bishop - Class Teacher
In grade 6 we have been experimenting with different forms of short writing pieces. Students each individually wrote a selection of short pieces about things they had been doing lately and then we compiled a list as a class. So here are the things we have been doing lately in 6E
Things We Have Been Doing Lately……
Finding out about different types of bridges
Learning new dances
Played different sports
Building windmills
Calculating area, surface area and perimeter
Writing about ball pits
Having fun learning Cubism in Art
Playing AFL in PE
Creating Arcade games
Learning about inferring
Solving algebraic expressions
Sharing how we are feeling in Tribbles
Appreciating each other and apologising when we need to
Playing games when we have time to
Reading books
Learning about the environment
Practising multiplication and division
Read amazing fiction stories about refugees.
Mrs Elias - Class Teacher
5/6Z have been participating in Go Writes where students are given a prompt to write about for 5-ish minutes. The prompts allow students to write about writing, write creatively or from personal experience. These quick writing activities give students the chance to write have fun with writing and words.
We recently wrote a class poem called Things I Have Been Doing Lately, with lines taken from students’ own poems.
Things We Have Been Doing Lately
Playing tiggy
Setting up the Art Show
Not getting enough sleep
Eating rice with tuna
Bush camping
Doing homework
Getting in trouble
Watching YouTube
Making this list
Rollerblading in my backyard
Hiding in the bushes
Watching Netflix on my phone
Going to badminton
Practising my solo
Getting a detention
Mrs Zelazo - Class Teacher
Mad On Music 2019
Just reminding you the MOM Exam is coming up on 28/11/18. Please make sure to practice and bring your books on the day.
2019 Enrolments