Secondary News

Wow this year is flying by, what an amazing year.
By the time you read this the students of year 7 will have less than 4 weeks of the year left and they would have completed their first year of secondary college. The students have done so well, they have had great attendance, their consistency in wearing the uniform has been great and they have developed some long lasting friendships.
In the past few weeks the students have been on a Science excursion to the aquarium where they continued to learn about classification and marine life. They have also been on a Mathematics excursion to Scienceworks where the students participated in activities based on a variety of different mathematical concepts relating to themselves and their sporting ability.
Again, I encourage the students to continue to work hard; reports are being finalised over the next two weeks and the students need to ensure that they have completed all the set work, homework and assignments to the best of their ability.
Well done all year 7 students on a great year so far and, as always, I encourage parents and guardians to contact me if they have any concerns or would like to chat about their child's academic progress.
Mr Antony - Year 7 Coordinator
All year 8 students spent a day at the Melbourne Museum where they participated in a range of activities. During the Rock, Camera, Action program, students learnt about the rock cycle, using the Dynamic Earth exhibition, which showcased amazing rocks, interactives and immersive experiences.
During the program, students worked in teams of three to research, create and share a short movie about an aspect of the Rock Cycle. Each team was given a ‘mission card’ and using rocks and exhibits in Dynamic Earth were able to produce a one minute documentary to take back to school.
During a science lesson, students were able to watch the movies they had produced. Students also had the opportunity to wander around 600 million year exhibition as well as the Dinosaur Walk exhibit.
Ms Rentzis - Year 8 Coordinator
Wilson Botanic Park Berwick Fieldwork
All year 9 students travelled to Wilson Botanic Park Berwick for their fieldwork excursion on Friday 7th September. The land that the park occupies was a working quarry for over 100 years, before it was donated to the people of Berwick.
The focus of the day was ‘Environmental Change and Management’. The students collected data, made observations and rated the facilities at the park. They also looked at management issues that are causing concern for visitors to the park, and will need to be addressed in the near future.
Mrs Wood - Geography Teacher
This term has been especially busy for Year 10s. First, students visited Federation University to experience the world of university. Students had the opportunity to explore the campus through an amazing race program and attend tutorial sessions delivered by Federation University teachers.
Students have spent the last week sitting Unit 2 exams, during which time they have conducted themselves with maturity and dedication. All students are to be congratulated for their efforts throughout the year, which have been clearly reflected in the results they have achieved in Semester 2. The foundations laid in 2018 will serve all students well as they continue their VCE studies next year.
Next week is Orientation Week for all current Year 9-11 students. Classes for 2019 begin in this week, so it is essential for all students to attend and participate fully in order to have a smooth start to next year. Students will also have the opportunity to meet their teachers for 2019, and will be provided with important information about their courses.
Finally, students will begin work experience from the 26th of November. Everyone will have the chance to broaden their experience and understanding of the world of work and career opportunities. A reminder to all students that work experience is a compulsory part of the Year 10 curriculum. Please see the Careers team for further information.
V2 students have been under the pressure of balancing exam revision for their Unit 3&4 exams, along with their Unit 2 exams. To study for the exams, students have used techniques such as watching Edrolo, making chapter notes and summaries, and completing practice exam papers found on the VCAA website or exams that were given out by their teachers.
October 31st was the day everyone in the state who studied Unit 3/4 English sat their first exam. It was an anxious and new experience for most of the year 11’s as the English exam was the first ever year 12 exam we completed. For most students, it was a daunting experience, however, most of us could say that we do not need to worry about English anymore! This has helped us realise the value of revision and time management skills, and will help us study harder and effectively next year.
Prior to our exams, we had a nice break from study and enjoyed an organised extra curricular activity to de-stress us. The year eleven girls were treated to a boot-camp program that included activities to strengthen our physical skills and attributes. Some of the activities included Zumba, boxing, aerobics and strength training exercises. We had a great time learning new skills while getting a boost of much needed endorphins.
We also participated in a Fit 2 Drive workshop. Fit 2 Drive is an organisation that engages with young people to deliver road safety messages that empower and support young road users to achieve zero deaths on Victorian roads. Representatives from Victoria Police presented valuable statistics and information that inspired us to make safe choices. We also came up with a community action plan to enhance student awareness.
The school Art and Technology show showcased the talents of students in creative arts including fine arts, metalwork, timber and food technology. The show was spectacular and it was great to see students being acknowledged through awards and appreciation.
The College will be running a five day Orientation Program beginning Monday 19th November to Friday 23rd November. During these lessons, we will be given our subjects and will begin work for our V3 classes. This is a valuable opportunity for us to make a start on work outcomes and to meet our teachers for 2019.
Alema Isic and Rima Hassouneh - Year 11 Students