Principal's Report

Dear Parents
It is an extremely busy time of year for staff and students. Year 12, 11, 10 and 9 students have been studying for, and have completed, their exams. Orientation Week for 2019 VCE students will begin on Monday the 19th of November. It is important that all students attend these classes as they are preparation for their 2019 courses. In many cases teachers will set holiday homework which students will be expected to complete.
The Valedictory night for our Year 12 students will be held on November the 27th. It will be an opportunity to acknowledge and celebrate the journey made by the students. Preparations are well underway for Secondary Awards Night and Primary students have begun rehearsing their dances for their end of year concerts.
In coming weeks’ students from Grade 5 and 6 will be attending classes in the secondary college as a part of our transition program. They will have the opportunity to see what school will be like in a secondary setting.
Last week I was happily informed that we will be receiving further funding for facilities development from DET. This funding of $198,000.00 has been offered to our school because of a previous high quality application to the ISF (inclusive Schools fund). Our project was flagged as offering many benefits for current and future students of Carwatha College P-12. This money can be used to upgrade our playgrounds in the Primary School. I will be meeting with staff from the department to finalise our plans.
Our secondary music performance night was held last night, 20th of November. It was, as always, a great night which showcased the amazing talent of our students. They wowed the audience with their fantastic performances. A special thanks to our Instrumental music teachers, Damien Maughan and Marina Novelli for preparing the students.
On the 9th of October the College Leadership Team had a meeting with our SEIL Ken Robinson to review our AIP (Annual Implementation Plan) for 2018. Ken was very happy with how the school had progressed in meeting the targets in our Annual Implementation Plan with regard to Naplan, Attendance, VCE data and all our surveys. He commented on how well our Leading Teachers knew the data and were able to explain how the school was progressing in meeting the targets we have set.
The College will farewell a number of long serving staff members at the end of the year. Maree Wood, Deb Sal, Julie Minster and Judith Nicholas will be retiring at the end of the year, I wish them all the best and thank them for the commitment they have made to Carwatha College P 12 and for the influence they have had on many students over their time here.
Pat Mulcahy