Middle School News

State Library and IMAX Excursion

What a great day Middle School had for their last excursion of the year.  Students were treated to a performance by indigenous singers Jessie, Candace and Krystelle.  These ladies sang songs that had been sung by their ancestors who had been put into camps during colonisation.  During the performance, students were encouraged to learn some of the songs and learn dance moves for each of them.  Students commented on how much fun it was and at the end of the performance, students were given a chance to ask questions of the singers.  Kilsyth students asked appropriate questions and did this respectfully.  Not only did students enjoy the performance but they deepened their understanding of the situation indigenous Australians were faced with through song.

Following lunch, Middle School students watched “A Beautiful Planet” at the IMAX theatre in 3D.  This presentation cemented the learning students have done in our unit of work on Space and gave them new information to build on previous knowledge.  The presentation demonstrated the vastness of our universe and what life is like in Space for astronauts living and working in space stations.  Students were also given a greater understanding of what our planet looks like and how countries, cities, cyclones, storms and rivers can be identified.  Students particularly enjoyed the way 3D images emphasise the message and were amazed at how real it looked. A big thank you to Kelly Sutton and staff who assisted.  A great day was had by all!

Last Week of School

During our last week of school, students will be celebrating their achievements with a class party on Thursday.  A notice for this will go home with students on Monday about this with more information.  It would be great if students can bring along a plate to share.  With so many great achievements, they clearly deserve it.  Students will have a whole school assembly on Friday morning before finishing up early in the afternoon.  Well done on a great year, Middle School!