Principal's Report

'Tis the season!!!

So wonderful to celebrate Christmas with our terrific school community at our Carols this week.


It is always a great opportunity to see our students amazing talents, and to share a meal together... and yes ... even to hear some fabulous Christmas cracker jokes... ;) 


Thanks to everyone for a terrific evening.  Our School Council and Fundraising teams were in top form providing a smashing barbeque, raffle, icecreams and plant sale. Thank you all for all your hard work!


Check out the photos on our school facebook page here.

2020 Classes and School Structure

Last week our students all practised being "slightly" bigger kids as they head into their 2020 classes for the afternoon.


In 2020 we will have the following School Structure:



Principal:  Daniel Gooding

Assistant Principal: Anna Johnstone




Foundation: Shannen May


Junior A: Lisa Hubbard

Junior B: Karen Black




Emma Williams
Emma Williams


Middle A:  Fiona Meilak

Middle B: Emma Williams (Welcome Emma!)

Middle C: Chris Roscoe






Senior  A: Karen Donnelly

Senior B: Ellen Morton




Science: Jane Seemann

Art: Bec Bertrand

Global Studies: Kym Wallace



And our amazing ES staff team, which will be announced 

2020 Student Leaders

In the past we have encouraged Year 5 students to nominate for the role of student leaders as they enter Year 6. We have traditionally appointed School Captains and a team of student leaders in December, in readiness to take on the roles in the new year.


At Kilsyth Primary School we value student leadership greatly. We define a student leader not by the badge that they wear, but by the behaviours they show and values they exemplify. We consider all students in senior school as having the capacity to lead and influence the culture of our school and we provide many opportunities for students to gain leadership experience.


As part of our strategy to refine our student leadership processes and increase the opportunities for student voice and agency in our school we have modified this process slightly as we head toward 2020. This has been a considered change and will provide increased opportunities for students as we move forward with our plans. The key elements of the new process are outlined below.

  1. Two key positions will be determined at the end of 2019, in readiness for 2020. These are the positions of School Captains and SRC Chairpersons. All students interested in the positions have been given an opportunity to make a speech to their peers about their suitability for the role, they have also been interviewed by a panel consisting of the Principal, the Assistant Principal and our current School Captains.
  2. Two School Captains, one boy and one girl, will be selected. The role of School Captain includes being an ambassador for the school, modelling and promoting our school values and leading the Student Leadership team.
  3. Two SRC Chairpersons, one boy and one girl, will be selected. The role of SRC Chairperson includes leading the SRC, gathering student feedback and providing student voice to school council and school leadership.
  4. School Captain and SRC Chairperson roles will be announced at our final assembly of 2019 (Friday 20th December at 9am). ALL OTHER STUDENT LEADER POSITIONS will be decided in Week 2 of next year.
  5. There will be six positions on the student leadership team in 2020. Any student in Senior School in 2020 (Year 5 and 6) will have the opportunity to present a speech to their peers about their suitability for the role. These positions will be announced at our assembly in Week 4 of next year (February 21st, 2020).
  6. All Year 6 students will have an opportunity to lead assemblies and model our school values next year.

We are looking forward to the exciting opportunities these changes will provide our students. If you have any queries at all about the process please feel free to give the school a call on 9725 4320.

Please join us for our FINAL school assembly on Friday 20th December AT 9.10AM!!

Our final assembly for the year will be held in the hall on Friday 20th December at 9.10am.  PLEASE NOTE THE TIME.  At this assembly will be announcing the 2019 Graduating Class Award winners.  We will also be celebrating all our Year 6 students and announcing our 2020 School Captains and SRC Chairs.


Please Join US!




A reminder that we finish for the year on Friday 20th December at 1.30pm.

Parents are invited to join us from 1pm as we say farewell our Class of 2019.

Have a GREAT weekend... 


One week to go!


All the best !

