Latest News

Did You Know?

  • The students are busily rehearsing and preparing for the Whole School Production.  This involves a lot of organisation and rehearsals will be held from Tuesday 10th September- Thursday 12th September at the hall from 1-3pm each day.  This will involve all of the students and staff walking to the Hall and buses and parents will need to collect students from the hall on these 3 days.   Please make a note in your diary.
  • The P&C passed some significant financial motions at the meeting held on 22nd August:
    • To donate $10, 000 towards the upgrade of the Science lab for much needed chairs and tables.
    • To donate $2, 500 towards the purchase of various sound, musical and drama equipment which the whole school productions have been saving towards for over 6 years now! The $9, 000 which was held in a term deposit and the money from the P&C and the school will see a brand new system in action for the Whole School Production.  Mrs Watson is one very excited lady!!
    • The P&C always welcomes new members, come along, join in and have a say in some future projects and funding for items for MDHS.
  • Well done to two of the MDHS staff members who came first and second in the P&C Footy Tipping!! We had 70 people participate this year and many of those were generous enough to donate their weekly $50 win back to the P&C.  Bring on the 2020 season!

Virtual reality (VR) Equipment

We have been lucky enough to utilise a full classroom set of Virtual Reality (VR) Equipment from Merredin College.  These amazing headsets allow the students to be transported in Virtual Reality to amazing locations such as The Great Barrier Reef, Taj Mahal, The Galapagos Islands and some of the busiest cities in the world.  The headsets make them feel as though they are in the midst of the chaos in Jakarta or swimming with the sharks on The Great Barrier Reef.  The students have found it an amazing learning experience.  Thank you Merredin College for allowing us to loan this equipment.

Keep up to Date

  • Reminder to all parents that you need to provide us with a current immunisation record for your child, especially after they have had any relevant needles recently.
  • Please provide us with any updated medical details, medications your child might be taking and phone number or address updates.
  • Please provide your child's teacher or the front office team with details of upcoming absences for appointments or other reasons.  These can be submitted via Connect.