Students of the week 

Term 1 - Week 2


Olivia H - Olivia you are a super star! What an awesome start to Grade 1 you have had. You are always listening, doing your very best and helping others. Keep it up legend!



Kira L - Well done Kira on making a fantastic start to the year in Grade 1. You show excellent listening skills and regularly look for opportunities to help others. Great work superstar! 



Juniper G - Well done Juniper for the way you have looked after Isla this week, it is so wonderful to see you take the time to play and learn in and around the school. Well done, you are a star!



Alfie WS - Well done Alfie on a wonderful start to Grade 2. You have demonstrated great initiative in ensuring your peers, particularly new students, feel welcome and included. Keep it up!



Josie BB - Josie, you have had an exceptional start to Grade 2. You have settled straight into class routines and you are always respectful and friendly towards everyone. Keep up the great work! 



Matilda J - Well done on your wonderful start to Grade 2. You have come to school each day with a positive attitude and have been a wonderful role model in our class. Keep up the amazing effort Matilda!



Evie B - Evie, congratulations on a terrific first week at Monty Primary. You have fitted in so well and have shown you always try your best in everything that you do. Keep up the positive attitude and hard work!



Ella B - Ella, you have settled into grade 3 with a positive attitude and giving everything a go. Keep it up superstar!



Julian C - For settling in so quickly and easily at Monty Primary! We are so happy to have you in our class!



Chiara L - Chiara, congratulations on the wonderful start that you have made at Monty Primary School! You are consistently positive and confident. You try your best, are making friends and always have a smile on your face! We are so happy to have you in our class Chiara!



Kian I - Kian you have settled into grade 3 with ease and fantastic focus. Keep up the positive attitude and I am sure you will have a sensational year.



Liam P - Liam, you have actively engaged with the development of our class code of conduct. You have made a thoughtful and considered contribution. Well done. 



Arad H - Arad, you have made an outstanding start to 5/6. I've been super impressed with your work ethic, enthusiasm and even your singing!



Isla G - Congratulations Isla, you have consistently demonstrated our school values, with your thoughtful nature and responsible approach to set tasks. What a sensational start to the year!



Toby MH - Toby, I have been thoroughly impressed with your ability to assist others in need and how you’ve used your warm nature to calm others. You have also shown a willingness to participate in all activities. Fantastic job! 



Micki  A - What a lucky class 56E is, to have had you join us for 2023 Micki! You have had an amazing start and I am so proud of how you have dived straight in and shared so much of yourself with us about all that you know.