Wise words with...

Mr Asher | Head of Secondary


As the year starts to draw to a close, we often look back with thankfulness for the year that has been, and/or look forward to the year that is to come. There is much to be thankful for this year, and I look forward to celebrating with you all at our upcoming Thanksgiving Evening - an event not to be missed! But in the busyness of the end of the year, I am reminded of the blessing that it is to be part of the community here at NCS. I see the difference that our approach to schooling makes in the lives of young people; their character is regularly on display and it makes me proud to be part of our school. This has multiple factors, and a big reason is the ongoing partnership between the staff, families and students - thank you for being part of our community.


A few things I would like to highlight that show the character of our students: - 

  • The recent Year 10 trip to Canberra had numerous members of the public commenting to the teachers about how polite and well-behaved our students were! 
  • At the Touch Football Gala Day on Friday, I was impressed by the level of sportsmanship our students showed in playing their games, and also celebrating the achievements of all - well done to the Junior Boys and Senior Girls on winning their divisions. 
  • Seeing the excitement on the faces of Year 6 students at our Year 7 2023 Orientation Day, and the number of older students helping, guiding and supporting these excited (and nervous) students.
  • The daily interactions between staff and students, showing respect and engaging in meaningful conversations about learning.
  • Our students taking their faith seriously, by giving talks at assembly, leading Bible Studies and FISH.

In seeing the great things our students say and do, I am reminded of the verse from 1 Samuel 16:7 But the Lord said to Samuel, “Do not look on his appearance or on the height of his stature, because I have rejected him. For the Lord sees not as man sees: man looks on the outward appearance, but the Lord looks on the heart.”


We see here that it is what is inside that counts, the condition of our heart. It is great to see and hear that our students and staff do a range of good things - and, it is my belief and experience that this overflows from having a heart that loves God and seeks to love others.

It has been a blessing recently to appoint our Secondary Student Leadership Team.


Captains: Jenna G and Izzy C Prefects: Harrison F, Noah S, Noah T and Kayleigh W.


In reading their applications and interviewing the students, it is clear that their character has been shaped by being students at our school, where they have heard the teachings from the Bible and have an honest and authentic faith. Please pray for these leaders as they look to make a difference in the lives of staff and students at school.


As we look forward to what 2023 will bring, can I encourage us all to consider our character? This is something that all of us (myself included) can work on and grow in. Character comes from within, and overflows into all areas of our lives.