Community News

Dobsons Uniform Shop

New Phone Number - please contact us on 03 9580 2049

For personal fitting appointments outside of shop hours please contact Melanie at the uniform shop on 03 9580 2049 or email

Uniform Shop Hours

Monday 8.30 - 11.30 AM

Wednesday 1.00 - 4.00 PM

Thursday  1.00 - 4.00 PM

1st Saturday of month 9 - 12 pm (Terms 1 & 4 only)


Dobsons Mordialloc 

P 03 9580 2049 | E| W

Mordialloc College Second Hand Uniform site

Mordialloc College Second Hand Uniform Facebook site, this Group has been designed for the buying and selling of Mordialloc second hand uniform only. On Facebook you just need to search up the site under Groups or go to:


This is a volunteer initiative and the school has no direct involvement. We ask that you read the rules on the site before buying and selling. Any questions can be directed to the site administrator.

In deciding how to price your uniform, prices of new uniform items can be viewed through the link on the College website under ‘uniform’.


Mordialloc-Braeside Junior Football Club

All Fired Up - Edithvale CFA Fun Run 2023

Edithvale Fire Brigade proudly presents its 8th All Fired Up Fun Run, a family orientated community event with activities for all ages.

Community Program Saver Plus - Back to School with less stress

Saver Plus is a free financial education program where participants can plan ahead for study costs and get up to $500 for education expenses after 10 months. If you have a Health Care Card and are studying yourself or have a child studying you may be eligible to join the program. Email them:

High Energy Bills - Financial Assistance