Senior School Report 

Senior School  News 

It has been an eventful month here in the Senior School. We have had some great successes, and some exciting upcoming events to look forward to as all our students head towards September with a vision and determination to achieve their academic goals.

First up, this month we have had the pleasure of enjoying our annual Fair Go Sports Day. This year, we had a record number of students participating in a variety of sports, from athletics-based events to novelty activities. As always, it was a great day of camaraderie, fun, and friendly competition for all. Well done to all students who were involved and represented the college with enthusiasm and skill. 

We have also been hard at work planning for our upcoming school formal. This year's theme is 'Black and Gold', and we have been busy selecting decorations, organizing catering, and booking the venue which will be held at Emerald Receptions in Thomastown. We are sure it is going to be a night to remember, and we cannot wait for everyone to see what we have been planning. Tickets will soon be available to purchase on Compass so Year 12 students keep your eyes out.


In IMPACT sessions all students have now completed their Career Action Portfolios which is designed to support students with resources to capture their career goals and plans. Looking ahead all students will continue their journeys in the Resilience, Rights and Respectful Relationships Program where they will learn about topics such as positive self-talk and stress management. 

We have got another challenging but exciting month ahead of us full of SACs and extracurricular activities but I am confident our students will thrive. I look forward to updating you all in the next newsletter. Until then, stay safe and enjoy the Easter break.


Warm Regards,

Mr. Lewis and the Senior School Team