Assistant Principal's Report

A message from Jodie Purches

Term 1 has been a very busy term, in terms of Teaching and Learning. As mentioned in my previous report NAPLAN moved from Term 2 to Term 1 this year. Well done to all Year 7 and 9 students for their participation. You should all be commended for your commitment and approach to the test as it was a hard slog trying to get through all the tests so early in the year but you got there in the end.


Progress reports were published via Compass at the end of Week 9. Students should check these reports to reflect on their current work practices and begin to set goals for Term 2. Teachers can be contacted if parents/guardians would like to discuss this further.


Finally, I hope you all have a lovely break and come back refreshed, ready to learn for a fantastic Term 2.


Jodie Purches

Assistant Principal – Teaching & Learning