From the Director of Studies

Calrossy continued to enjoy great success in the Higher School Certificate for 2022.


For different students, success can manifest itself in different ways. At Calrossy, we value the whole educational experience and strive to provide a caring and nurturing environment for students. This includes but is not limited to achieving the best marks possible in the HSC exams and other similar assessments.


Many of our students were able to achieve results in the HSC well above their own expectations of success from even a couple of years ago. When the teaching staff debriefed on some individual student stories, we were delighted to hear about students overcoming all manner of circumstances to achieve HSC results that reflected their resilience, perseverance and responsible dedication to their studies. While we can't share all these stories here, as a school we are immensely proud of the achievements of every single one of our year 12 students in the HSC. We are prouder still to see them

completing their secondary schooling and entering the world as people of character, showing integrity, selflessness, inclusiveness and resilience. There are a few statistics that serve to highlight the achievements of our whole cohort. Calrossy students achieved 71 entries on the Distinguished Achievers' list, meaning a top band (6 or E4) in a

course of study. 


This represented the achievements of 30 different students from our cohort, and was an outstanding result in recent Calrossy history. Among these students, we had three students place in the top 10 rankings in the state for a subject, and three students named on the All Rounders' list, meaning they scored a top band in 10 or more units of study.

About 80% of the courses that Calrossy offers achieved a mean mark above or well above the state average, with the remaining being very close to the state average. This reflects the continual effort of Calrossy teachers to ensure that every student achieves to their best, not just the academically inclined.



Every student is able to grow to reach new personal bests. The excellent results achieved in Year 12 are in no small part due to the strong and secure foundations

of learning laid in the early years of schooling. Many of our graduating Year 12 students began their educational journey at Calrossy Junior School and have reaped the benefits through their secondary schooling.

To our departing students, we pray that you will hold on to the values and habits that you have acquired at Calrossy and become creators of hope and change in an uncertain world. To those students yet to complete their HSC, we pray that you might be inspired by the long line of students who have walked the path before you and contribute to the Calrossy legacy in your own way.


Mathew Frazer

Director of Studies