Calrossy Junior School
Term 1 Week 2
Happy New Year and welcome to 2023! Our theme for the year is Hope and as we explore Hope we’re thinking of good things to come. This fills me with great joy, because we have so much to be hopeful for as the year ahead is filled with exciting and engaging learning experiences for your children. Already the school exudes a buzz of excitement as we navigate everything new in a new year.
Welcome to our new families – across the school we have 54 new families joining Calrossy Junior School and I look forward to you becoming part of the Calrossy community.
I would like to introduce our new School Leaders to you. Congratulations to these students. I am delighted that our students have chosen some outstanding leaders to lead the school in 2023.
School Captains: Aleksey Chambers and Tayla Yeo
Vice-Captains: Ty Ackerman and Zahra Craig
Cuthbert: Miah Anderson and Robert Gell
Nicholls: Maddox Blinman and Felicity Mackenzie
Hamlin: Joesef Mathew and Parker Lockwood
Sheean: Addison Grobler and Matthew Christakos
In the next fortnight, we will be electing our other badged leaders in the Junior School: Library Monitors, SRC and Enviro Mentors.
During the break, whilst many of us still had sand between our toes, our distance education programme, eCalrossy commenced with Year 5 and 6 attending their first residential school. It was an outstanding success and the class of Stage 3 students have taken to the programme with ease. eCalrossy is available to students in Years 5 to 9 and each day the students learn online with Calrossy staff via Zoom until lunchtime. During the holidays students attend residential school for three weeks of the year and undertake many of the practical subjects which cannot be done online.
We have welcomed students from as far away as Packsaddle in the far north-west of NSW and are delighted that all of our eCalrossy students have the opportunity to access a Calrossy education. The students have made comments such as, “I love Japanese, I love the teachers, I love being taught, I love writing and I love the online learning.” I am thankful or the efforts and energy of Mrs Rebecca Truter who has commenced as the inaugural teacher of the Stage 3 eCalrossy class. We look forward to watching the programme grow and seeing the day student programme connect and interact with the online programme at different stages in the year.
If your child is in Stage 2 (Year 3 and 4), they may have commented that Pod 2 has had a freshen up in the holidays and new carpet has been laid. Looking ahead Pod 2 will also receive new furniture around Easter time to complete the upgrades to this space.
Staff News
- We welcome the following new staff members to the Junior School: Miss Katie Penman – Year 1 and Mrs Emily Whitton – Year 2
- The following staff have joined us permanently in these roles: Mrs Kate Armstrong – Learning Support, Mrs Rebecca Truter – Stage 3 eCalrossy,
- Miss Grace McKinnon will be covering Mrs Sarah Lockrey’s (Hopkins) Maternity Leave for 2023.
- We welcome back Mrs Isabella Fisher (Clift) who will be working in Prep and Mrs Emma Frew, working in Learning Support.
Psalm 33:20-22 We wait in hope for the Lord; he is our help and our shield. In him our hearts rejoice, for we trust in his holy name. May your unfailing love be with us, Lord, even as we put our hope in you.
It is my hope that we will all learn, grow and serve together in this wonderful Calrossy community. Have a wonderful week.
Claire Smith
Head of Junior School