Message from the Principal

 Mr David Smith

Positive Start to the Year


I have been delighted in the manner in which our community has commenced 2023. There is a positive energy about the school, the students have settled into learning quickly and it has been wonderful to observe the manner in which the students have returned. 


A favourite thing of mine is to walk around the campuses and observe the students, both within and outside the classroom. What has always delighted me about Calrossy is the positive vibe and the delightful manner in which students and staff engage with each other. I see this visibly amongst the day students but also in the Boarding houses after hours. 


It reinforces to me the relational character of our school in which people matter and growing great adults is the ultimate goal. ‘Growing our People’ is one of our main themes and this, along with Learning in Partnership emphasises the people aspect of school life. It is a reality that when students, staff and their parents work closely together, the students (as our most important asset) thrive in the environment.


I have been encouraged by the manner in which our new students have quickly settled into routine and been welcomed by the others. My visits to the Boarding community have also seen witness of a strong spirit of camaraderie and inclusiveness, something I wish to encourage and support.


I look forward to meeting and greeting many parents at our information nights, coming up very soon. Please attend and engage with us as we partner together in the important task of growing great children, teenagers and young adults in our lovely school environment.  Of course, provision will be made for Boarder parents who are unable to attend due to distance. 


Leadership Induction

Student leadership is a vital component of any school and the voice they provide for their fellow students is pivotal. I am impressed with the strong team of leaders that have been elected and it was a great pleasure yesterday to be part of their induction. I was thankful for the input of our new Board Chairman, Rev. Ian Millican, who addressed the students and provided excellent input for us all to consider at the start of 2023. I look forward to the leadership of our students this year. More photos of this event can be found on The Hub.



The 2023 Year

There is much to look forward to in 2023. The past few years have had us very much focussed on managing COVID, supporting wellbeing and managing the changes that were necessitated during that time. It is no secret that the pandemic posed challenges to Boarding schools that impacted on the wellbeing of students and teachers. That the students have managed over that time is great credit to them and their teachers.  


A key focus from me in 2023 is putting learning back into the front and centre of what we do as a school. This has already been a strong part of the conversation amongst staff and school leaders in the preparation for the return of school and will continue to be so. I said to staff during our Professional Learning Days that Learning is our ‘super power’ and our goal is to support every student, regardless of (perceived) ability to flourish at school, develop confidence as a learner and grow to be the very best learner they can be.


2023 also sees some major work in the commencement of our next classroom block on the William Cowper Campus, that will be used by both our Junior School and 7 – 9 students in a variety of ways. The Car Park on this campus will also be completed, with Stage 1 of this work already underway. Other minor improvements for our campuses and Boarding facilities will be shared during the year.


It is noteworthy that the Brisbane Street Campus celebrates 100 years as part of Calrossy and this will be recognised later in the year. 


One other important goal of 2023 is to embrace community at Calrossy, as we emphasise the ‘’Learning in Partnership” aspect. Much academic research tells that when parents and school are closely aligned and working together, the outcomes for students are much stronger. The COVID years have limited parent and adult participation and so getting back to a more normal routine of events, that includes parents, grandparents and alumni is important to re-establish. A first opportunity for this will be the Colour Run, set down for Thursday March 2nd. This day represents fun and whole school mixing, all in the process of raising funds for more shade for our campuses.


I wish every member of our community every success in 2023 and look forward to great outcomes for our students. We have much for which to be thankful.


Give thanks to the LORD, for he is good; his love endures forever. Psalm 118:1


Trust in the Lord with all your heart, and do not lean on your own understanding. In all your ways acknowledge him,and he will make straight your paths. Proverbs 3: 5 - 6


David Smith
