Wellbeing Matters

Enhancing Mental Health Support in Schools (ENHSS) Program
Commencing in Term 1 2023, Beaumaris Secondary College will have a Headspace clinician supporting our school community one day a week, on a fortnightly basis providing mental health support. We would like to introduce Catherine Keen from Headspace Bentleigh (photo attached). Catherine will commence in the Headspace in schools role on a fortnightly basis commencing on Friday 10th February 2023. Our students will be able to access up to 6 sessions within the Enhanced Mental Health Support in Schools (EMHSS) program without the need for a GP Mental Health Care Plan.
To support school communities to effectively identify and intervene in the mental health needs of children and young people, the Victorian Government announced the Victorian Anti-Bullying and Mental Health Initiative in early 2018 to set up the EMHSS program for all 327 Victorian Government secondary schools. The purpose of the EMHSS initiative is to provide enhanced mental health services to young people in Victorian government secondary schools to deliver one on one student counselling sessions. Through this initiative, secondary students of Victorian government schools have easier access to counselling services offered by Headspace.
Students can access Headspace one on one counselling via a referral made through wellbeing within the school. To initiate this please reach out to either Rachel Felmingham via Rachel.felmingham@education.vic.gov.au or Dilek Yucel via dilek.yucel@education.vic.gov.au and you will then be sent a Headspace consent form to complete. If demand is high, we may offer a waitlist or there is the option to attend a local Headspace center.
To be eligible for this service, consent needs to be obtained and students must:
· Be enrolled at a Victorian government secondary school at the time of referral.
- Be identified as experiencing mild to moderate mental health issues.
- Generally, not be engaged with other external counselling services
Introducing Our New Therapy Dog – Bali
Bali joined the Wellbeing Team last year as he and Dilek Yucel, Head of Wellbeing Services, have become Level Two-Certified as a Visiting Therapy Dog and Handler Team. They completed an intensive 6-day training at Lead the Way Institute. The training included a meet and greet with children and a visit to an aged care facility. This means that Bali has been assessed as responsive on lead and enjoys being around people.
Therapy dogs have been shown to reduce the stress chemical cortisol in the brain and trigger the release of oxytocin, which plays a positive role in social bonding. Therapy dogs in schools have been also known to help students feel more emotionally safe in counselling settings.
Bali is an 24 month old Moodle (Maltese x Miniature Poodle) and has a loving temperament and enjoys playing fetch with toys. Bali’s coat is non-shedding and hypoallergenic.
If your child has a fear of dogs or an allergy to dog hair, please email dilek.yucel@education.vic.gov.au to inform the school of any concerns you may have with your child’s exposure to a dog.
Eating Disorder carer support groups
Flourish Program for Girls
Flourish is a High School Preparation and Resilience Program designed to prepare and equip Year Six and Year Seven girls in their transition from primary to secondary school.
The material is presented in creative and engaging ways each week, through the use of videos, creative projects, skits, games, and team building activities. Discussions offer practical advice and helpful strategies for making new friends, managing bullying, safe use of social media as well as many other pertinent issues. The program focuses on empowering and encouraging girls, helping them to develop and maintain positive self-image and strong self-esteem, and equipping them to make positive and informed choices.
There are currently spaces available in the Flourish Program's Year 7 group commencing on Friday 10 February. It is run in Sandringham and costs $160 for the term including a Graduation Dinner.
Please reach out to Emily Fairweather, Director of Flourish Programs for further information.
Ms Dilek Yucel (Psychologist, Head of Wellbeing), Ms Rachel Felmingham (Mental Health Practitioner), Mr Elin Kim (Counsellor) and Bali (Therapy Dog)