Our Amazing Volunteers/Community

Canteen and Uniform Shop

Jenny Marashli and Annie Thomas have greatly welcomed back parent volunteers to our canteen and uniform shop.  We are so appreciative of our parent support in these areas of our school operations as many of these services would not be available without the dedicated support of volunteers.

I would like to make a special mention of Mr Ben Miskin. Ben has volunteered his services to the canteen on a weekly basis and even managed our canteen when Jenny Marashli was on school camp.  Thank you Ben every student at our school knows you and respects you for your ongoing support.


Parents’& Friends

2022 has been an outstanding example of our parent engagement with the school.  I would like to sincerely applaud every parent who has joined our Parents & Friends committee this year.  The P&F has not only introduced a variety of spectacular fund-raising events but also reintroduced social events for our parents to get to know each other.


The most recent Parents’ Social get together witnessed 200 of our parents joining together to raise funds for the school while also having a fun night out.



The Colour Run which was held in November saw both parents and students have a memorable day together with lots of good natured ‘sliming’ which also raised very welcome funds for BNPS.


Proceeds of the various raffles and school BBQs’ and Cake stalls have allowed everyone to become involved, even extended family members.


Our P&F club, under the leadership of Mrs Natalie Northey, set out to raise funds for a new playground and they have achieved their goal in 10 months!  We are pleased to announce that the new playground will be installed in 2023.


An outstanding effort – thank you very much!