Parent Engagement


"Where one or two are gather in my name, there I am." Mathew 18:20

"Christmas Around the World" Carols for School on Friday 1 December 2023

The Parish is wanting to combine this year with the school for a Christmas concert/food festival themed "Christmas Around the World". 


Are you a good cook? OR are you simply able to help out at a food table? Perhaps you are busy working full time, and this could be the one thing you commit to this year! Basically, we are calling for any families who could band together and would be prepared to cook one cultural dish, perhaps dress up in their national clothes and serve three items per country to our community before the Concert begins. We were thinking broadly that there could be a Latino food table, a Chinese food table, a Korean food table. I already have three keen parents for the Korean table!

Please email me on if you feel called to get involved in this initiative in any way.   


"Coffee Connect" Starts Next Term on a regular basis on August 3rd!!! Open to ALL year groups for a chance to connect and chat.  


This is really an opportunity for me to meet the community as it is an opportunity for you to meet each other. Let's not make our default position a "drop and run" mentality which the drive through option can foster.












Thank you to all the Kindy parents who came to connect today before the holidays! What a great turn out!






Altar Serving Ministry- some very keen Year 5 Students have volunteered to train as Altar Servers at weekend and school Masses. 

Fr Thomas told the Altar servers they were serving God not him.
Fr Thomas told the Altar servers they were serving God not him.


Listening carefully...
Listening carefully...
Learning to be servers is fun!
Learning to be servers is fun!

Toddler Tales on Tuesdays is growing and is a fun way to make friends even before you start school in 2024! ALL WELCOME. Spread the word if you know of anyone- it's free! In the glass room near the drive through from 8.45 - 9.45 am on Tuesdays! Coffee for parents too.












Anne Gray

Holy Family Parent Engagement Co-ordinator