Assistant Principal 

Year 3-6 Gala Days  

On Tuesday, Holy Family students represented our school in two sporting events. Five teams of students 3-6 for netball at Bicentennial Park and five teams of League Tag at Bales Park. 

Thank you to our wonderful teachers who assisted on the day. Some of our seniors have recounted the day, particularly the games when they played against all boy teams! Well done everyone!

Netball - 

It was tough - we played against boys in some games. We had to win or at least try our absolute best. It was a great experience altogether; we built our teamwork while having fun outdoors! We learnt teamwork and hard work (especially with the rough boys who were a year older than us). We also learnt that if things don’t go our way, we still have to try our best! Although we lost some games, we kept trying our best and made sure it didn’t get us down. I am excited to do this again next year!

By Katie 

Sometimes we fell, sometimes we lost hope, and sometimes we just didn’t have the courage. However, we all faced this with positivity, and everyone got out on the court to play fun Netball! During the experience, we all truly enjoyed the teamwork and support we had with our teammates. There was always a hand helping you up after you fell down, and people around you can truly count on and trust. Since Netball is a very fast-paced sport, we all had to collaborate when passing the ball to one another, avoiding interceptions by the other team, and shooting goals. I can confidently say that everyone learnt something new at the Netball Gala Day, including myself. At first, I didn’t have any clue on how to play Netball, but, with the help of teachers, classmates, and friends, even from other schools, I got through it all and was inspired to play even more. This was definitely one of the best Gala Days I've ever been to.

By Atrina  

 Netball is a tough game, but we are so happy that we went to the GALA DAY!!!!! We had injuries but we had a great time. We lost some of the games but it’s okay - you can learn by losing and you can win next time!  We made new friends and we got to meet students who left our school, so it was good to see them again. I think the favourite part of my day was winning the last game by 17 to 1 our team VS our lady school and it was great to win the game. We had lots of fun!! 

By Seoa

Boy - or should I say, girl, was it tough! Our competition was fierce as well as determined.   Every time a girl fell, another one would help her back up. Winning makes you feel pretty awesome, sure, but working together, knowing that your teammates will always have your back is the BEST FEELING in the world. That I can confidently confirm, because we girls stuck together and backed each other up! Every girl shone through today and we each had times to display our talents and teamwork skills. Together we cheered for Holy Family and celebrated victories; consoled each other when we lost, and most of all, tried our hardest to do the best we could. Each and every girl had a shot, had a go, had a try, and most of all, had the BEST TIME EVER! #GoGirls #NetballRules

By Jaslyn 


League Tag

This Tuesday, students from year 3 to 6 participated in a Gala Day for league tag. League tag is when two teams with around 8 people per team wear 2 tags. When a person has the ball, they must run to the other side of the pitch to score a try. Meanwhile, the other team must try to pull off one of their tags to stop them from scoring a try. If they pull off the other team's tags 6 times, the ball must be given to the other team. The team with the ball in possession can only pass backwards.


We had heaps of fun competing against schools. In our teams we had 3–4 games of league tag and improved our skills each game. This gala day helped strengthen our co - operation and teamwork abilities. We were able to score many tries and win a few games too! It was a great experience to be a part of. 

Written by Stella, Oscar, Hamish, Yoanna, Mya



Have a lovely weekend. 

Sam Edwards

Assistant Principal