Camp Kookaburra

Year 3/4 Camp

During the last week of term, in exceptionally cold conditions the Year 3/4 Community were fortunate to experience the intense experiences offered at Camp Kookaburra. There were many nervous students boarding buses in the rain who were all keen to overcome challenges and to extend themselves with the many activities ahead of them. 

The saying ‘it takes a village’ could not be more applicable than when talking about running a camp. Without the help of our magnificent teachers and educational support staff, generous volunteer parents and wonderful camp staff – our memorable experience at Camp Kookaburra simply wouldn’t have been the same. From early mornings to late nights, sunshine to ridiculous rain, our parents and camp staff endured it all with a smile on their face. No favour was too big or too much of an inconvenience as they put the needs of students and teachers in front of their own, time and time again. It was because of their selflessness and genuine care that our students had the most incredible experience, many of them calling it “the best camp ever”. 

Our 3/4 teachers would like to extend the most sincere and heartfelt ‘thank you’ to:

  • Camp Kookaburra managers Carlie and Josh and their team 
  • Nicole Duckworth, Greg Oman and Chris Becroft on Camp 1 
  • Laura Thomson and Michael Swetman on Camp 2. 

Without their support and expertise camp would not have been the triumph that we all experienced. 

Josh, Carlie and the Camp Kookaburra staff were experienced and skilled in providing outdoor education activities and helped with organising programs and activities. To say it was seamless is an understatement. It was a truly sensational camp with exceptional attention to detail by camp staff ensuring that everyone had the best time possible. Many students overcame deep fears to enjoy the flying fox, scales high walls without support and try the challenges of the low ropes. 

Through the supervision of all activities by the teachers or parent leaders’, students were encouraged to experience all risk-taking activities with confidence. This ensured that all students were able to have a brilliant time exploring each activity with all safety components covered by adults around them. 

Our camp was set in farming country, the camp itself had attractive landscaped surrounds, bushlands to explore which allowed space for running around, with large, cleared areas around the campsite.   

Students were thrilled to be challenged, experience amazing camp food and to work as a team in an environment that held challenges beyond what we see at school. 

For many it was their first night away from home, but due to the support of others around them, it was the beginning of independent life with excitement, achievements and adventures at every turn. We were even fortunate to celebrate a birthday with cake, lollipops and candles just to sweeten the experiences.  

Overall, camp was a huge hit, and the children were not only brave, but also exceptionally well behaved and gave us a reason to be proud of who they are and what they can achieve.