
Introducing our Outside School Hours Care Team 

Team Members

We would like to introduce our OSHC Team members at the college who are providing a spectacular program for our After School Care students. The program includes healthy snacks, outdoor and indoor games, imaginative play, painting, arts and crafts. 


Our Team includes:

Lauren Parker             Co-ordinator

Rose Dolcetta             Assistant

Jenn Clark                     Assistant

Billy Barnes                  Assistant Principal

Judy Ross                      OSHC Administration Support

Jan Prior                         Business Manager


Policy Updates for O.S.H.C.

Recently our OSHC Team have been reviewing and updating our policies for the service to ensure that we are up to date with Australian Children's Education and Care Quality Authority (ACECQA) regulations and offer the best experience for our students who attend the OSHC program after school. 


We invite our parent feedback of this review  and any suggestions can be made by emailing the college at kyabram.p12@education.vic.gov.au  by July 31st, in readiness for College Council review in August. 


To view our updated O.S.H.C. policies click on the policy links below