Building Works Update

It is exciting to give everyone an update on the progress of our building works. For the works in the middle of the grounds where the Administration, Wellbeing, Library, Staffroom, and Canteen, everything is progressing very well. The brickwork is nearly complete, the rooves and guttering have been installed, and the plastering is almost complete. Next, the builders will be starting to paint inside, and we will be finalising our furniture order. Everything is still on track to be completed by the end of September. A period of time for handover, inspection and defects corrected will take place, then we will look to enter in early Term 4.
A builder for the Kyabram Kindergarten, Grove Group, has now been appointed and works are due to commence on site from July 2023. Works will include ground preparations, the installation of a modular building and the construction of an outdoor learning space and associated car parking facilities. Construction is forecast for completion later this year.