Administration Team News

Student Family and Occupation Forms
Our Student Family and Occupation Forms have been sent home to families via email and post.
It is important that we have accurate parent occupation and education information and we would like to ensure our records are up to date. The information gathered is utilised by the Department of Education and Training to determine aspects of our funding.
This information is strictly confidential and is only used to collect school data. Your information is protected by the Privacy Laws.
Please return this information to the College Office by Thursday July 12th either via email or hard copy.
Family Statements
Will be mailed to families over the coming week. These statements will show any progress of payments for essential and optional items for your child. Invoices will also show any monies for families who are in credit with Camps, Sports and Excursion Funds. Please contact the office if you would like to allocate these funds to upcoming excursions.
Many thanks, the Administration Team: Jan, Linda, Judy, Casey, Maddie, Kathy, Janine, Kelly, Kate, Sheridan, Carmen.