Year 10-12 Learning Community

By Brad Mellington 

There has been much happening with our Year 10-12 Students recently. It was a busy end to Term 2 for our senior students. On Thursday15 June, all senior students sitting a Year 12 subject sat the General Achievement Test (GAT), with 109 students sitting the test held in our College Hall. The GAT was split into two sections: Section A assesses literacy and numeracy skills; and Section B assesses skills in English, Mathematics, Science, Technology, The Arts and Humanities, with an increased focus on critical and creative thinking skills. We would like to congratulate all students who sat the GAT, with many students finding the four and a half hours of sitting quite gruelling and this challenge is a great opportunity to build some stamina ahead of their end of year exams. 


During Week 9 of Term 2, our Year 10 and 11 students also completed their mid-year exams which was an opportunity to show their understanding of content learned during their Semester 1 subjects. This was a fantastic opportunity for these students to gain some exam condition experience ahead of Year 12 exams in their near future. 


Over our mid-year break, our Year 12 students have moved over to the old Year 7 Learning Studio, which is now their own Year 12 Building. Our Year 12s will also have their study area in this building, along with new furniture and equipment to create an enjoyable learning and study environment. This building will also now be used for end of year exams. Our Year 12 students will be spending this term looking at their pathways as they transition out of secondary schooling. For our Year 12s, this is one of their most important school terms as they finish off Unit 4 content, before sitting their final exams and assessments early Term 4. 

Our Year 11 students are looking forward to their Pathways Camp to Melbourne in Week 3 of this term. This camp will allow them with opportunities to visit universities and industries. 


Brad Mellington 

10-12 Learning Community Leader