1/2 Classes
Mrs McBride, Mrs Green-Leigh & Mr Shuttleworth
1/2 Classes
Mrs McBride, Mrs Green-Leigh & Mr Shuttleworth
1/2B had a fun filled last day of term and we wanted to share one of the challenge games we played!
Groups had to work together to expand the rubber band by pulling their string, lower it around the paper cup, to then either move or stack the cups. Cooperation, team work, and clear respectful communication was requiered! Loads of laugher spilled from the room!!
The following students have celebrated 100 nights home reading in 1/2B.
Congratulations and well done, Nate, Isla, Bridget, Eliska & Isabel!
Well done to this group of superstars below who have swapped their Unicorn Points for prizes! Students earn points by remembering their library books & readers each week, or by showing our school values. Each week, students have the chance to swap their points for prizes in groups of either 10 or 20, depending on what prize they are willing to "save up" for.
This term the focus is: The Concept of Social Justice & Celebrating Differences!
The introductory lesson for this topic had students exploring and discussing the difference between fair and equal. For this task. a sheet of stickers was hung from the classroom celling. The students that could reach the sheet without using anything to help them (like a chair or a taller friend) were rewarded with a sticker!
The class discussed that while the task was in fact EQUAL, (because it was the same for everyone) the task was not FAIR, as those students who are shorter missed out on getting a sticker (but only for a little while).
Students then discussed topics to decide if they were fair or equal, such as, everyone eating at the same time, or people who wear different clothes due to religious or cultural reasons, people needing extra help to complete a task.
The class decided that "Just because something is equal, does not mean it is fair".
Moving on from noticing these difference, students were asked to consider what it would be like if everyone was the same, and why it is important to celebrate our differences.
Students watched the following video clip and discussed the different cultures and countries in our world.