Principal's Message 

From the Principal


Dear Parents and Carers,


I hope you all enjoyed the benefits of the long weekend and managed some quality time with your family.


For our Year 4 students we are nearing the end of the formal preparation of the Sacramental Program for Eucharist. Over the past couple of months, the children have come to understand the significance of this Sacrament. They have been learning to 

- understand the origin of the Passover meal

- compare the Jewish celebration of Passover and Catholic celebration of Eucharist

- identify the objects, signs and symbols used at the Eucharist

- explain the different parts of the Eucharistic Prayer, and

- understand the parts of the mass.

We ask that you keep these children in your prayers as they take this next step on their faith journey. Our Eucharist candidates will receive this special Sacrament this coming Sunday 18th June. Mass will be celebrated at 3.00pm. We wish all our students and their families a wonderful family time celebrating together. 

Lord Jesus, 

Bless the children coming forward to receive Holy Communion for the first time.

May it be an initial step into a life-long love of the Eucharist. Give them a hunger for this sacred food so that they turn to you for comfort, guidance, and wisdom as they grow into full discipleship. Thank you for their innocence and goodness. May their hands, extended in anticipation of your Body and Blood, inspire all of us to cherish this sacred Sacrament.


Winter Sports Gala Day 

Tomorrow our Year 5 and 6 students will participate in the Winter Sports Gala Day competing against other schools in the local area. A Flexischools communication has been sent, outlining the location of each of the sports and the schedule for the day. Parents are most welcome to come along and cheer on our COHR teams.

Code Camp is back for Term 3

After a successful introduction of Code Camp in Term 2 we are excited to be offering it again for Term 3! 

After-School Code Camp allows kids to hone their coding skills and keep practising through weekly sessions over the term!

Students will produce multiple games and apps using the exciting online platform Code Camp World!

Code Camp World has been developed to be as accessible as possible so students can truly focus on the fun aspects of coding and carry on their journey at home.

Each week students will choose the features they want to build, and advance their problem-solving skills to build these features using code. They will take ownership over their projects and collaborate with their peers to make awesome apps!


Please find the booking link HERE


The dates and timings for Term 3 sessions: Class Type: Coding (Years 2-6)

Day: Tuesdays 

Dates: 18th July to 5th September

Times: 3:45pm-5:00pm

School Disco

The excitement has been building for the school disco which takes place tomorrow night. There will be two sessions:

Prep – Year 2  5.00pm – 6.15pm

Year 3 – 6       6.30pm -8pm

A reminder to all senior students that no phones will be permitted to be used throughout the disco. If a student needs a phone these should be handed in before entering the hall.


Wellbeing Week

To conclude Term 2 we will end with Wellbeing Week. This is an opportunity for all of us to focus on our wellbeing – mentally, physically and spiritually. There will be increased opportunities for mindfulness and meditation, extra physical fitness activities and a strong focus on social/emotional learning. 

As part of this week there will also be a number of other activities taking place;


Tuesday: All Year 5's visiting Avila College for a day exploring DigiTech

3 Bees Kinder visit


Thursday: 9am Mass - all invited

Friday: Donate a Dollar Day - Casual Clothes Day

Term 2 concludes at 2:30pm


Take care everyone


Brendan Welsford