Round 4: Friday 9th June 2023


Greenhills A VS Yarrambat A – AWAY




9.30am-10.45am approx.

Aussie Rules Football



Yarrambat PS


Yarrambat PS

Softball Boys

Yarrambat War Memorial Oval

Softball Girls

Yarrambat War Memorial Oval






Massive shout out to all students who represented themselves and Greenhills PS at the Nillumbik Division Cross Country Championships. All students, regardless of the results attained, should be extremely proud of their efforts - as reaching this level of competition is an outstanding achievement in itself. 


Special mention to Cooper B (6BS), Heidi K (5SM), Archie G (5SM) and Annabelle M (4IH) who were successful in progressing through to the NMR Cross Country Championships, which will be held next week. 


Congratulations to Rhyda H (1KO) who played in the halftime Auskick game during the Essendon Bombers and North Melbourne Kangaroos match. Not only did he love the experience, but he also kicked two goals to add to an already awesome evening. 


Well done, Rhyda!


If your child achieves something special (grand final win, most valuable player award, best and fairest etc.), please email me ( through photos and an overview of the achievement to post in Contact. It is important to celebrate and recognise such successes with the school community.


Thank you, 


Jordan Daley









Raid your money boxes, lift up your couch cushions, ask your grandparents, collect your spare change, 5c frenzy is here again. 


Starting Monday 22nd of May and running for 5 weeks until Thursday 22nd of June.


Please send in your spare change to your child's classroom during the week (any coins accepted). The money will be collected and counted each week on Friday morning. 


Weekly prize - 15 mins extra playtime for the class who collects the most money each week.


Grand prize - Fish and Chip lunch for the class who collects the most money overall during the 5 weeks. 


This year we are raising funds for Classroom sports equipment (skipping ropes, basketballs, footballs, down-balls etc to use at playtime). 


Let's make it bigger and better than last year. 


From your friendly PA team.



The canteen relies on the help of parent volunteers to operate. Parent helpers are needed for a maximum of one hour, from 1pm - 2 pm (Wednesday, Thursday and Friday).   Helpers need to have completed the 2023 Volunteer OHS Induction. 

To book in to volunteer, please go to ‘Care bookings’  Access Code is JGU9L. 





Term 2 Week 7 - Presented at Assembly 23rd June 2023


William MPrep BHFor the amazing effort you are putting into your learning especially your writing. Will, you can now write a sentence independently. You are trying so hard to record the letters for the sounds you hear in words. I am so proud of YOU!  
Jacob PDPrep BZJacob, I have loved watching your confidence with reading and writing grow this term! Keep believing in yourself. You are doing a great job and I am so proud of you!
Edison MPrep SMFor the outstanding effort you have been putting into your learning. I love that you are following our morning routine and making good choices on the floor, even having a go when you are not sure. Keep up the amazing work Eddie!
Emily K1GCFor the amazing work you have been doing during our math sessions. I can see how much you have been enjoying learning about number bonds to 10. Keep up the great work superstar!
Darcy R1JCFor all the effort you put into your literacy. You always decode tricky words and I love your enthusiasm when it comes to playing 'How to spell a tricky word'. You are amazing!
Luca O1KOFor the enthusiasm and excitement you share with us about learning every single day. Luca, keep on sharing your thinking and great ideas. You are amazing!
Leo C2ADFor the effort and grit you have shown this Term, especially in maths! Watching your confidence grow has been amazing. I am so, so, SO proud of you!!!
Emily M2JMEmily has been showing fantastic grit and adventure when working on her handwriting skills. She has taken the challenge on board and is wirking super hard. Go Emily go!
Ava G2LOFor your determination and grit during our maths this week. Ava, I was so impressed with the way you challenged yourself when learning patterns and didn't give up! You are a supertar!!
Hannah N2SHHannah, you could be Student of the Week every week! You have such a wonderfully positive attitude towards EVERTHING you do! You are such a considerate and bubbly friend to everyone in our class- you are an all 'round superstar! 
Jayden H3AKCongratulations on your positive attitude towards your learning. You are developing confidence in your abilities and often sharing your experiences and ideas with your classmates. Keep contributing to our discussions.
Jed3RMJed for the outstanding effort you show each day to complete your work to the best of your ability. You are such a fun and caring classmate. Keep it up! 
Oliver A-H4DSOliver, your adventurous spirit shone through when you were calculating change! It was GREAT to witness you engaging with new people and enjoying the experience.
Yat Wong4IHFor your amazing work ethic. I love the way that you always try your hardest and complete tasks to a very high standard. Keep up the amazing work.
Everleigh4JRFor your participation and efforts in our reciprocal reading groups. I love the thoughts and discussion you bring to the groups. Keep up the fantastic work.
AJ H4TWWell done AJ on taking on lots of challenges in your learning. I love that you use GRIT and ADVENTURE when faced with learning tasks that challenge you.
Patrick N5BCPatrick, thanks for always being a friendly and positive student in class. I love how well you can work with anyone in 5BC!
Lila G5SMLila, I have been so impressed by your continued ability to challenge yourself, particularly during maths. You are such an amazing role model and we are lucky to have you in 5SM!
Callum O6BSFor absolutely kicking goals in Year 6! Cal, your growth in maths has blown me away and I love hearing your awesome ideas during our class discussions. Keep it up legend!
Ethan A6LRFor the agency and drive he shows towards achieveing. Well done on the way you focus and organise your time to learn and extend yourself.
Hayden M6TSFor being a confident and active contributor to our Socratic circles. Thank you for sharing opinion, evidence, ideas and questions with us!




CSEF is provided by the Victorian Government to assist eligible families to cover the costs of school trips, camps and sporting activities. If you hold a valid means-tested concession card or are a temporary foster parent, you may be eligible for CSEF. A special consideration category also exists for asylum seeker and refugee families. The allowance is paid to the school to use towards expenses relating to camps, excursions or sporting activities for the benefit of your child.


The annual CSEF amount per student is: $125 for primary school students. 



New applicants should complete the attached form or contact the school office to obtain a copy. If you applied for CSEF at GHPS in 2022, you do not need to complete an application form this year unless there has been a change in your family circumstances. You only need to complete an application form if any of the following changes have occurred:

  • new student enrolments: your child has started or changed schools this year.
  • changed family circumstances, such as a change of custody, change of name, concession card number, or new siblings commencing this year.

Check with the school office if you are unsure. Applications need to be submitted no later than 23rd June 2023. Any queries, contact the office.