Message from the Principal 

James Penson 






We are starting to see more activity with our building project. This week we had another delivery of steel that will make up the frame and a large crane is currently onsite to install it. We know there has been many delays and the timeline has really blown out, but fingers crossed things start to fall into place now. At this stage the completion date is early November which would be awesome.


We will keep you updated as the works continue and try to give you as much notice as possible when building deliveries and parts of the construction impact more heavily on the day to day running of the school. An example of this is when the builders need to crane steel or concrete over the roof of the STEAM room. When this is scheduled, we will relocate out of this space to ensure student safety.   


Keep your eyes on the project as is takes shape over the next few weeks and months.


Our teachers are currently organising Semester 1 reports, which include a snapshot of each student’s progress across curriculum areas over the past 6 months, a student self-reflection comment and a general teacher comment. These Semester reports are part of our Continuous Reporting Program.


We introduced Continuous Reporting based on your feedback with the aim of providing parents and carers with more frequent communication about your child/ren’s progress in a way that is timely to when the learning task was completed. In this way you can share more insight into the curriculum standard and level your child is working at and more importantly the next steps in their learning. 


One of the benefits of Continuous Reporting is that you do not have to wait until the end of each semester to find out about your child’s progress.


Whilst each work sample that is part of our continuous reporting program is assessed via a set of criteria set out in a grid format (rubric) it is important to know that this assessment is made based on what the student was able to demonstrate on a specific day and through this specific task. It is very hard to replicate the full range of curriculum standards that are assessed in any one work sample. Please remember that whilst a student may be assessed as working above or below a specific level for any individual task, their overall achievement standard as recorded in the Semester reports (Progression points) may be different. These progression points are based on multiple work samples and observations by our teachers over the entire semester.


Sunday 18th June - between 9am and 12pm it will be all hands-on deck with our Term 2 Working Bee. We have a plan to fix up and neaten the garden bed outside the prep area and start a bigger project that involves clearing the garden bed between the staff carpark and the office area. The vision for this space is to create a connection to country space for yarning circles and campfire conversations.


Please bring your gardening tools, wheelbarrows and remember all students that attend and help with their families will receive a $5 canteen voucher.


Long weekends are usually a GREAT time to get out and about as a family. Even though the weather will be cold there are plenty of options for physical activity in our local area. I love the local walking tracks along the Plenty River and often see school families walking and riding bikes along these trails. 


We know that when children participate in regular physical activity, it boosts their physical and mental health and improves academic performance. Physical activity throughout the day also improves concentration, and the ability to retain information and solve problems.




James Penson
