Design Technology

Hello Parents, Carers and Students
Our Design Technology unit this semester was called, “Let’s have fun!” Our project this semester was to make a card game to share with family and friends. The students started Term 1, by playing many different types of games. Our focus early in the term was to have fun! We played games such as four across, Go Fish, dice games, card games and a Basic Pin ball game. Hang man was popular with all students as all students were able to contribute to the game. Students tried their best to guess the word. Everyone shared in the winner’s celebration of success, as it was a group effort.
As the term progressed, students started thinking about what images they would like to have on the face their cards. They also chose one image to put on the back of their cards. Students started collecting their images and placing them into Publisher documents to be sized for printing. The process involved resizing the images so that the images were all the same size. The images were then printed and cut out. The front images were then paired with a back image and then laminated. There were many smiles when students saw their hard work had paid off.
Our term two focus was around the rules for games. We discussed the rules for each game as we played. We investigated why games, needed rules. We talked about how different people played the same game, but used some different rules. Students came up with great solutions when students wanted to use rules, that were different to the rules, they knew. Some excellent strategies were discussed, enabling students to play games using their variation of the rules. Students were also able to take away, some new ways of playing familiar games.
We all learned a lot about different games and how to negotiate with others, when disagreements over rules arose. Younger students learned about taking turns and waiting for their turn. Lots of smiles were seen as students learned how to play ‘Pairs’ with their own cards. Students put in an amazing effort to learn the new games. Students helped staff to learn some new games. Students were excellent and patient teachers, for their fellow students and staff. Beware if you are challenged, students are now good Uno players.
Students showed improved confidence when playing Uno. We then started playing Uno Flip. Students (and staff) found that Uno flip tested everyone. Just as a player thought they were getting close to winning, the ‘Flip’ card was played. All players turned their cards over to find they had very different cards on the other side of their hand. We had to modify the rules otherwise we would have had games that outlasted Monopoly. Students were happy to modify the rules, part way through the game.
We were very happy with all students’ efforts to learn the games we played. Lots of personal and group achievements were celebrated! Students showed a lot of personal growth throughout this Semester. Congratulations to all our amazing students for their efforts and achievements!