Principal's Report
Dear families,
I would like to acknowledge our amazing staff and especially our Leadership Team who stepped up in leading and managing the school during my absence. Thank you to our school community for your kind and warm wishes to my family over the past few weeks. It is wonderful to be back home in this warm and beautiful part of Queensland.
Thank you to all our students who have put together their Culminating Events. It was such a celebration of learning when students were able to talk about and demonstrate their learning of Semester 1. We had a record number of families who attended the Culminating Events which shows that staff and students are really excited about the work they have been doing.
Student Reports are being sent home this week. You would have received a Seesaw notification stating the changes in the Report format and the purpose thereof. We believe that sighting the evidence of students work through Seesaw as well as attending the Culminating Events are very powerful tools to ensure families experience firsthand the work that has been delivered across the school. The Report have a comment section towards the end of the Report where teachers discussed the overall progress of students. The specific Learning Areas have been assed using a five-point scale and there are no individual comments for the Learning Areas. We invite families to meet with the teachers in Week 3 to discuss the overall progress of their child in each of the Learning Areas.
A special thank you to our P&C who has been able to secure a Capricornia Grant for our Sensory Garden. Thank you to Nola Davey who has been instrumental in applying for various grants and has been successful in this last application. We are meeting with a few designers and landscapers over the next few weeks to transfer our ideas into designs and then develop a Sensory Garden. I am also reaching out to request the help of a few parent volunteers who will be able to assist our school in the development of a few other gardens around the school.
I extend an invitation to families to please make contact with your child’s teachers via Seesaw or email to continue to build positive parent relationships. I wish for the communication to be positive and celebrative. Please let your child’s teacher know what is happening over the weekends or holidays. We have so many wonderful families and staff that I would like to continue building an even stronger school community.
I would like to take this opportunity to celebrate the hard work that our teachers have been doing to lift student engagement in learning across the school. At the end of every year, our teachers complete a self-assessment of their ability to ‘maximise students access to learning’. There has been a 36% increase in the data which measures teachers' ability to maximise students access to learning. The first slide below indicate growth over two years and the second slide indicates the Essential Features that are being measured.
On this positive note I wish everyone a safe and relaxing holiday.
Kind regards,