Community Hub

Looking Back at Term 2
This term the Community Hub's sewing class has been very busy making outfits. They have made dresses, tops, pants and pj's for adults and for children as young as 2 years of age. We also had 2 new ladies start crochet in the same class. Our sewing teachers are able to assist anyone with sewing, crochet or knitting. We have had a lot of fun meeting new people & making outfits so we will celebrate the end of term this Wednesday with cake & coffee.
Circle of Security Parenting workshop has now finished and those parent who completed the workshop received a certificate. We hope that we can bring parents/caregivers another workshop, 'Bringing up great kids', in term 3 or 4. If you have any ideas for activities or skills you'd like to learn at the Community Hub, please come and see me Wednesday mornings from 9.00am to 10.30 or just pop in for a coffee and a chat.