What's happening?

During Term 3, we will be undertaking two significant fundraising events to assist us in upgrading our outdoor play areas.

Colour Run

We are excited to be able to hold a Colour Fun Run on Friday 15/9 (week 8). More information including how to raise money and win some great prizes will be distributed next term.

Bunnings Sausage Sizzle

We are lucky enough to be given an opportunity to hold a sausage sizzle at Bunnings Modbury on Sunday 17/9. This has the potential to be a great fundraiser for our school and we will be looking for volunteers to help us on the day. Even just an hour would be fabulous. Look out for the information early Term 3.

Dates to Remember

Below are some of the important dates coming up. Please also refer to our Term Calendar for more.

Week 1 
Week 2 
Monday 31/7 3.30pmSAPOL Cyber Safety presentation for parents
Friday 4/8National Principal's Day
 Newsletter published
Week 3 
Monday 7/8SAPSASA Basketball
Wednesday 9/8- Friday 11/8Scholastic Book Fair 
Thursday 10/8SAPSASA Athletics
Friday 11/8Assembly (V12, V16, V20)
Week 4 
Science Week 
Tuesday 15/8 5.45pmGoverning Council meeting