Grade 5 & 6

Ms Lupa, Miss Eade & Mrs Trewick

This term has come and gone in the blink of an eye. The children have worked really hard and are looking forward to a well deserved rest. Enjoy your holidays and stay safe. Looking forward to another term of great learning with you all.



The children have continued to work on their information reports on their chosen Australian Significant Person. Detailed reports have identified the important people in our nation who have made great impacts and helped shape Australia and who is is today.




Children have been working exceptionally hard in completing their “Events that shaped Australia” project. The Museum Walkthrough was certainly a hit. Our students showcased their learning through research and the creation of their dioramas. It was wonderful to watch the deep discussions and questioning that other students demonstrated during the tour. Congratulations to the year 5 / 6 students on their amazing presentations.  



Over the last few weeks we have been busy finishing our time unit. Children practised their skills of reading timetables, calculating elapsed time and converting 12hr time to 24hr time. We have continued to include a retrieval grid in our daily lessons which enables children to practise skills from various units such as money, angles and measurement. Students have also been given many opportunities to refine their number operations skills. This explicit instruction has proven to be extremely beneficial for students, resulting it a lot of “now I get it” moments.