Middle School News

Year 7 to Year 9

Year 7 English Project


The Year 7 students recently completed a multimodal autobiography in English, and they have impressed with their creativity! Read on to see what they had done.

Middle School Update

Assessments have been completed, and the preparation of Semester One Interim Reports is well and truly underway as we move into the last week of Term Two. 


Our students, in general, have embraced this time of the year, and it has been wonderful seeing them bring completed work into school and even studying in the Kaadadjiny Hub at lunch times.


Reports should be uploaded next week so students, parents and caregivers can view them on SEQTA. The information from this document provides feedback on where students have gone well and where they can improve in Semester Two. Please ensure you sit down with your children about this, and they can even use SEQTA-LEARN to set some goals; providing incentives for them has also been known to help.


The second round of Parent/Student/Teacher Interviews will be held on Tuesday, 25 July, between 1:30 pm and 7:00 pm. Students will attend school until lunch. These interviews will be face-to-face interviews with students required to accompany their parents to the interviews wearing their full College winter uniform. Further details about the Interviews and details on how to book interviews with teachers will be released to families in the final week of this term.


Early in Term Three, a 2024 Year 10 Information Evening will be held for all Year 9 students and their parents. More information will be available next term. The evening will provide information regarding subjects and Pathways, and these will be made available for students and parents to begin guiding them towards Senior School.


On Tuesday, all Middle School students were provided with an opportunity to listen to Paul Litherland, who travels around Australia conducting cyber safety presentations at schools, raising awareness about the dangers of the internet, and teaching young people about online safety. Since 2008, he has worked specifically with juvenile victims and their families. Please have a conversation with your child about what they may have learned. More information can be found at: https://www.surfonlinesafe.com.au/


We finish the term with more activities for our students to provide them with learning experiences and to highlight the good that is being exemplified at Salvado Catholic College:

  • Friday 23 July - our Year 9s will be walking to Byford Secondary College to attend the Career and Enterprise Expo.
  • Tuesday 27 July - a group of 20 Year 9 students will attend the Munster South Metro Campus to gain an understanding of working in a STEM-focused industry.
  • Wednesday 28 July - Middle School Athletics Carnival is a compulsory event for all students.
  • Friday 30 July - there will be a Middle School Assembly to finish the term.

Thank you for your support and understanding this term, and I hope you have a wonderful break, and our students have a restful and safe holiday. 


Mr Brendan McGrath

Head of Middle School (Year 7 to Year 9)