Junior School News 

Year 3 to Year 6

Curriculum Conversations

Read on to find out how much fun dice can be, and how this helps with the development of mathematical skills.


No excuse for being bored during the holidays -- there are 20 dice games you can play! One for every day of the School Holidays, and more :)

Junior School Update

After much preparation during Term 2, several Year 3 students, families and staff celebrated the Sacrament of Reconciliation with Xavier Catholic Primary School's students on Thursday evening at St Francis Xavier Parish with Father Mark. We came together ready to receive the gift of forgiveness for any action, word or thought that was not loving and good. God welcomed all to acknowledge sinfulness and to celebrate God’s everlasting love and forgiveness. 


On Monday this week, all Year 3 students continued the celebration by sharing a delicious cake at recess time.

Years 5 and 6 students experienced a very informative and engaging incursion with Paul Litherland (2022 WA Australian of the Year), a retired police officer. The Surf Online Safe incursion highlighted the awareness, challenges and risks of cyber safety and how students should navigate their use on internet platforms. For close to 20 years, Paul has been working at the coalface of online crime. Since 2008, he has worked specifically with juvenile victims and their families and has used those experiences to develop highly informative presentations regarding the risks of the online world.

Year 4 students have been working hard to complete all Curriculum tasks prior to the school holidays around the corner! 


Wishing all a very healthy and happy two-week school holiday…. see you all in Semester Two.


Mrs Christine Pitman

Head of Junior School (Year 3 to Year 6)